今年是中国左翼作家联盟成立七十周年。“左联”标志着中国革命文艺运动的新阶段。它根据五四以来新文学发展的经验 ,提倡文艺大众化 ,开始工农兵通讯运动 ,宣传革命文艺思想 ,同各种错误乃至反动的文艺流派坚决的斗争。本刊发表的以下三篇文章 ,分别论及对“左联”的总体评价、左翼文学的批评理念以及“左联”的报告文学理论和实践 ,意在以探讨的形式纪念先贤 ,为在新的世纪继承和光大中国文艺的左翼传统。
This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the Chinese left-wing writers’ union. “Leftist” marks the new stage of the Chinese revolutionary art movement. Based on its experience in the development of new literature since the May Fourth Movement, it advocated popularization of literature and art, started the movement of workers, peasants and soldiers, promoted revolutionary literature and thought, and strenuously struggled with various erroneous and even reactionary literary genres. The following three articles published in this magazine deal with the overall evaluation of the “Leftist”, the criticism of left-wing literature and the reportage theory and practice of “the League of Leftist Writers” respectively. They are intended to commemorate the sages in the form of discussions, Century inheritance and China Everbright leftist tradition of literature and art.