本人上网时间可算长,也可算短,也就两三年而已。其间看到网虫们(包括我在内)每日为网络的“龟速”和高昂的上网费着急不已,在此我谈谈我的一些使用经验,供初上网者参考。 平行线法:顾名思义,就是同时打开几个窗口进行浏览。这样你就可以在浏览当前页面的同时,后台下载其他页面。但要注意物极必反,线路带宽是有限的,打开过多的窗口反而会降低上网效率。根据我的经验,一般情况下打开两到三个窗口比较合适。 保存法:在网上冲浪时,如果看到很精彩的大文章但又不
I can be considered online time can be considered short, but also two or three years only. In the meantime, we are anxious to see the “turtle speed” of the internet and the high internet access costs. We will talk about some of my experiences for the first time users. Parallel line method: as the name suggests, is to open several windows at the same time to browse. So you can browse the current page at the same time, download other pages in the background. However, we must pay attention to the inevitable anti-line bandwidth is limited, open too many windows but will reduce Internet access efficiency. In my experience, under normal circumstances it is more appropriate to open two or three windows. Preservation method: surfing the Internet, if you see a very good big article but not