河北省黄瓜枯萎病致病菌经鉴定为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium orysporum schlecht)。生理小种鉴定结果与阿姆斯特朗1978年报道的3个小种不同,为小种4号(Race4)。“防死乐”防治瓜类枯萎病效果明显,室内抑菌效力优于25%多菌灵粉剂,抑菌圈平均直径达到2.67cm;田间500倍液灌根防治效果达91.43%,优于DT(71.43%)和25%多菌灵(60.0%);苗期防治其防效达84.04%。
The pathogen of cucumber wilt in Hebei Province was identified as Fusarium orysporum schlecht. Physiological identification results differ from the three races reported by Armstrong in 1978 as race 4. The results showed that the antibacterial effect was better than 25% carbendazim in indoor, the average diameter of bacteriostasis reached 2.67cm. The control effect of 500 times liquid irrigation was 91.43%, which was better than DT (71.43%) and 25% carbendazim (60.0%). The control effect was 84.04% at seedling stage.