针对少女性成熟年龄提前的问题,武汉同济医科大学妇幼卫生系毛丽梅硕士和我国著名妇幼卫生学专家刘筱娴教授等专门对武汉市1 000多名12至16岁的女中学生进行了一项青春期女性生理、心理及性知识水平的调查。结果表明:有94.8%的学生已来月经,月经初潮年龄平均为12.5岁,较1991年武汉市的调查结果提前了4个月。而根据有关观察资料,少女初潮年龄大约是每10年提前3~4个月。
Aiming at the problem of adolescent sexual maturity ahead of time, Maoli Wu from Maternal and Child Health Department of Tongji Medical University in Wuhan and Professor Liu Xiaoxian, a famous expert on maternity and child health in Wuhan, conducted a special survey of more than 1,000 female middle school students aged 12 to 16 in Wuhan. , Psychological and sexual knowledge survey. The results showed that 94.8% of the students had menstruation, and the average age of menarche was 12.5 years, 4 months earlier than the result of the survey in Wuhan in 1991. According to the observation data, the age of girls is about 10 to 4 years early.