一、地面装饰材料的选择。 地面装饰材料种类很多,就其质地而论,大体可分为两大类:一是硬质地面材料,如花岗岩板、大理石板、瓷砖、地板砖、木质地板、地板革等;二是软质地面材料,主要有地毯、软木、草垫之类。 在硬质地面材料方面,它们各具优缺点,如花岗岩板、大理石板、木质地板虽然高档且美观大方,但价格比较吊贵,遇湿易滑,木质地板还需经常打蜡;瓷砖富有各色花纹图案,铺设于地面亦显美观、洁净,但也易打滑;而地板砖虽较“土气”,但遇水即干,不易打滑,利于安全。
First, the choice of decorative materials on the ground. Many types of decorative materials on the ground, in terms of its texture, can be broadly divided into two categories: First, hard ground materials, such as granite panels, marble tiles, ceramic tile, floor tiles, wood floors, leather flooring, etc .; Second, soft Surface materials, mainly carpet, cork, straw mat and the like. In the hard ground materials, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, such as granite board, marble board, wooden floor, although the high-end and elegant, but the price is more expensive hanging, slippery when wet, wood floors need to be frequently waxed; colorful tiles Pattern design, laying on the ground was also beautiful, clean, but also easy to slippery; and although the floor tiles than the rustic, but the water is dry, not slippery, is conducive to safety.