原发于鼻腔的单形性腺瘤罕见,现将所遇1例报告如下。 患者,女,49岁。1980年在某医院行鼻息肉摘除。术后4个月左鼻腔逐渐出现阻塞,伴牙痛、耳鸣,遂又作左鼻腔肿物切除。病理诊断为鼻腔单形性腺癌。1984年10月因肿物复发,头痛加重,伴耳鸣入院。2个月前,左眼眶内侧隆起,出现2次鼻衄,每次出血约100ml。体检:见左内眦部隆起,质较;左鼻腔有赘生物。在局麻下取出2.5×1.5×0.8cm~3灰白色肿物,质韧胶质样,未见明显包膜。术中将肿物及眶筋膜
The monomorphic adenomas that originate in the nasal cavity are rare and are reported as follows. Patient, female, 49 years old. In 1980, he was removed from a hospital for nasal polyps. Four months after the operation, the left nasal cavity gradually became obstructed with toothache and tinnitus. The hernia was removed as a left nasal cavity. The pathological diagnosis was monomorphic adenocarcinoma of the nasal cavity. In October 1984 due to recurrence of the tumor, his headache was worsened and he was admitted to hospital with tinnitus. Two months ago, the medial uplift of the left eyelid occurred twice, and there were two epistaxis. Each bleeding was about 100 ml. Physical examination: see left internal malleolus uplift, quality; left nasal cavity with vegetation. Under the local anesthesia, 2.5×1.5×0.8 cm~3 gray tumors were removed and the quality of the fibroids was not obvious. Intraoperative tumor and temporal fascia