1 引 言龙胆科 (Gentianacese)植物长梗喉毛花 (ComastomaPedunlulatum[RogleexD .Dou]Holub)分布在西藏、青海、甘肃和四川北部 ,生长在海拔 3 0 0 0~ 4 80 0m的河滩和高山草甸等环境中。《晶珠本草》记载 :植物长梗?
1 Introduction The genus ComastomaPedunlulatum [Rogleex D.Dou] Holub (Gentiaceae) is distributed in Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and northern Sichuan Province and grows in the floodplain and alpine grassland at altitudes of 3000 ~ 480m Austin and other environments. “Beads Materia Medica” records: plant long stem?