一、问题的提出科技与经济脱节长期困扰着我国经济发展和科技发展。为从体制上解决科技与经济脱节的状况 ,我国从 1 985年开始的科技体制改革基本坚持市场化和企业化的方向。 1 999年开始的科研机构企业化转制 ① 是近年来我国科技体制改革的重大步骤 ,其目的是推动科研机构进
I. PROBLEM PROPOSALS The disconnect between technology and economy has long plagued China’s economic development and technological development. In order to systematically solve the situation of the disconnection between science and technology and economy, the scientific and technological structural reform that started in China from 1985 basically adhered to the direction of marketization and enterpriseization. The transformation of scientific research institutes starting from 1999 ① is a major step toward the reform of China’s science and technology system in recent years. Its purpose is to promote scientific research institutions