高荷花和梁山开始了来往。 有了来往,梁山就觉得高荷花这人不错,以前只以为她是个卖冰糕的女人,没想到原来在纺织厂她还是个不大不小的领导干部呢。高荷花手脚勤快,一到梁山家,除了说话聊天,总要帮老头子把屋子打扫归整一番。你们男人呀,住上再好的房子也弄得像个鸡窝似的,你瞧瞧,你瞧瞧……她一边说着一边动手,梁山的屋子里可就变得窗明几净了。高荷花又会做饭炒菜,下午梁山打完门球,买冰糕时总约高荷花一下。高荷花卖完冰糕,收摊儿后就先顺路到梁山家去
High Lotus and Liangshan began to travel. With the exchanges, Liangshan think this is a good lotus, previously thought she was a woman selling ice cream, did not think she was in the textile mill is still an important leading cadres it. High lotus diligent hands and feet, one to Liangshan home, in addition to talking and chatting, always to help the old man clean the house some round. You men, the best house to live like a hen’s house, you see, you look at it ... ... she said it while hands-on, Liangshan’s room can become a net out of the window. High lotus will cook cooking, afternoon Liangshan hit the ball, when buying ice cream about a total height of the lotus. High lotus sold out ice cream, child care income after the first stop on the way to the Liangshan home