“抗毒锦囊”训练营 (下称“训练营”)是香港戒毒会和国际狮子总会港澳 30 3区青年拓展及禁毒警觉委员会每年在香港特别行政区合办的预防药物滥用教育活动工作之一。香港戒毒会成立于一九六一年 ,至今已踏入四十一周年 ,主要为戒毒人士提供住院及辅导服务。该会亦与其它大专院
The “Anti-Drug Tips Training Camp” (hereinafter referred to as the “Training Camp”) is an initiative of the Hong Kong Drug Addiction Society and International Association of Youth, Hong Kong and Macao Region 30 District Youth Development and Narcotic Alert Committee organized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to prevent drug abuse education every year. one. The Hong Kong Drug Abuse Society was established in 1961 and has entered its 41st anniversary. It mainly provides hospitalization and counselling services for drug addicts. The club also works with other colleges