传承 合作 创新——第27次全国档案期刊研讨会部分代表发言摘录

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30年前,第一次“部分省市档案专业刊物编辑工作研究会”在黑龙江省哈尔滨市召开,参会档案期刊8家;30年后,第27次全国档案期刊研讨会在杭州召开,参会档案期刊34家。在30年的发展历程中,全国档案期刊工作整体水平大幅提升,档案期刊群业已形成,在服务和推进全国档案事业发展中发挥出了重要作用。通过举办档案期刊交流研讨会的形式,加强全国各档案期刊的交流与合作,这一优良传统传承至今,离不开全国档案期刊人的共同努力和执着坚守。如今,这一交流平台的行业影响力和支持度不断提升,本次会议不仅得到了国家档案局副局长、中央档案馆副馆长杨继波、浙江省档案局(馆)领导班子和各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市档案局(馆)领导的高度重视,也得到了中国人民大学、浙江大学等高校相关院系和其他有关部门的大力支持。与会代表围绕“传承、合作、发展”这一主题畅所欲言,提出了许多建设性意见和建议。《浙江档案》杂志社作为会议承办刊社,特对会议代表的发言加以整理和梳理,并择其要予以刊登,以飨读者。 30 years ago, the first “part of provinces and cities archives professional journal editorial work conference” held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, participating archives periodicals 8; 30 years later, the 27th National Archive Journal Symposium held in Hangzhou 34 participating archives. In the course of 30 years of development, the overall level of the work of archives and periodicals throughout the country has risen substantially, and the group of archival and periodicals has been formed, playing an important role in serving and promoting the development of archives throughout the country. Through holding seminars on the exchange of archives and periodicals, the exchanges and cooperation among the archives and periodicals throughout the country have been strengthened. This excellent tradition has been inherited so far and can not be separated from the concerted efforts and perseverance of the people in the archives throughout the country. Nowadays, the industry influence and support of this exchange platform have been continuously improved. This meeting not only won the posts of deputy director of the State Archives Bureau, Yang Jibo, deputy director of the Central Archives, the leadership of Zhejiang Archives Bureau (the museum), and provincial and autonomous regions, Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the archives bureau of the cities specifically designated in the state plan, and also received the vigorous support of relevant departments and departments of universities such as Renmin University of China, Zhejiang University and other relevant departments. Participants spoke freely about the theme of “inheritance, cooperation and development” and put forward many constructive suggestions and suggestions. Zhejiang Archives magazine, as the conference contractor, specially arranged and sorted out the speeches of the conference delegates and chose to publish it in order to readers.
去冬今春,浙江省动工改造鱼塘的面积达到70923亩,到1月底止,已完成清淤整修32421亩,占动工面积的45.7%。改塘面积之大,进展之快是近几年来所没有的,主要原因是: 一是领导重视