美国临床心理学家 Ayres把感觉统合失调归类为身体运动障碍、结构和空间知觉障碍、前庭平衡功能障碍、听觉语言障碍及触觉防御障碍等 ,并指出在学习困难儿童中常伴有感觉统合失调 [1]。有资料表明 :在学习困难儿童中 50 %有前庭功能协调不良 ,而在一般儿童中仅占 1 4% [2 ] 。?
American clinical psychologist Ayres classified sensory integration disorder as dyskinesia, structural and spatial perceptual disorders, vestibular balance dysfunction, auditory language disorders and tactile defensive disorders, and pointed out that children with learning disabilities are often accompanied by sensory integration disorders [ 1]. Data show that: 50% of children with learning disabilities have poor coordination of vestibular function, while only 14% of children in general [2]. ?