20世纪即将过去,21世纪即将到来。公安机关如何适应新形势,迎接新挑战,把一个稳定的抚州带进21世纪?我们带着这个问题,走访了抚州地区公安局局长邹友常。 刚步入天命之年的邹局长,在自己的办公室里接待了我们,他为人热情豪爽、办事精明果断。已30年的警察生涯、20多年担任县地公安机关领导的阅历,造就了他刚直不阿的个性、雷厉风行的作风和精明干练的领导才能。他听了我们提出的问题亲切地
The twentieth century is about to end, the 21st century is coming. How to adapt the public security organs to the new situation and meet the new challenges and bring a stable Fuzhou into the 21st century? With this question, we visited Zou Youchang, director of the Public Security Bureau in Fuzhou. Mr. Zou, who just stepped into the fateful year, hosted us in his office. He is passionate and passionate, resolute and resolute. Has 30 years of police career, more than 20 years as the county public security organs of the leadership experience, created his straight personality, vigorous and resolute style and capable leadership skills. He listened kindly to the questions we raised