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  On screen, they’re Earth’s mightiest heroes. But in Hollywood, they were has-beens and never-weres. That is, until Marvel got a hold of them.
  Avengers: Age of Ultron 1)kicks off the summer movie season with a whirlwind of superheroes joining forces to once again save the world and shatter boxoffice records. The director and several key stars in the ensemble cast either kick-started their film careers with Marvel Studios (Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America, director Joss Whedon) or staged a dramatic comeback (Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man).
  The next few months could mark the most lucrative summer in Hollywood history, thanks to a wave of followups to major franchises. After Avengers, some of the most anticipated entries include Mad Max: Fury Road, Jurassic World, Terminator: Genisys, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation and the Despicable Me 2)spinoff Minions.
  Those moviegoers who prefer original stories over digitally created dinosaurs also have a surprising 3)surfeit of choices, as Hollywood has learned that summer can be a smart time for sophisticated counterprogramming. Two of the most celebrated movies from January’s Sundance Film Festival, the dark comedy Me, Earl and the Dying Girl and hip-hop comedy Dope, both released in June.
  But in a summer with 18 sequels, reboots, spinoffs and comic-book adaptations, it’s the second Avengers that will set the tone. The film also demonstrates a new casting calculus in Hollywood, in which it’s not the actors who make the character, but the character who makes the actor.
  Disney-owned Marvel has mastered that approach and made A-listers out of previous unknowns. Chris Pratt, for example, was best known for his supporting role on the sitcom Parks and Recreation. Then he landed the starring role in last summer’s Guardians of the Galaxy, by far the season’s biggest box-office winner, bringing in $774 million. He’s now one of Hollywood’s most 4)sought-after leading men and starred in Jurassic World this June.
  Marvel takes the same approach with directors—in contrast to competitors like Warner Bros., which has entrusted its superheroes to highend 5)auteur Christopher Nolan and experienced action director Zack Snyder. Kenneth Branagh’s career directing big-screen Shakespeare adaptations petered out several years before Marvel picked him to direct Thor. After that film hit it big, Mr. Branagh continued a second career in big-budget movies such as last year’s Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and March’s live-action Cinderella.   “Everyone pays attention to who’s starring, who’s directing, who’s writing Marvel movies,”said producer and former Sony executive Michael De Luca. “Because of their track record… how can you not pay attention to their farm system?”
  Marvel Studios is certainly not the first company to pluck unlikely candidates for superhero films. It’s a tradition that dates back to Christopher Reeve in 1978’s Superman and continued with Tim Burton directing 1989’s Batman and Hugh Jackman in the 6)pivotal role of Wolverine in 2000’s X-Men.
  But no company has 7)eschewed A-list talents as consistently and effectively in the modern age as Marvel. All but one of its 10 films released so far have been hits, a record rivaled only by Pixar Animation Studios. And none have featured a major star or established action director.
  Money is a key reason, say people who have done business with Marvel. The Disney subsidiary’s chief executive, Ike Perlmutter, is notoriously 8)frugal and doesn’t believe that the millions rivals like Warner Bros. spend to get bigname stars like Ben Affleck and Will Smith are worth it.
  “They are in the business of hiring the guy who hasn’t had a big success, because they don’t have to pay that guy very much,” said Mr. Whedon, adding that he made more money on his self-produced Internet series Dr. Horrible’s SingAlong Blog than he did directing the first Avengers, which cost $230 million to produce and grossed $1.5 billion worldwide.
  Mark Ruffalo, like Scarlett Johansson, made the leap from respected indie film actor to event movie star when he first played the Hulk in 2012’s Avengers. “That decision,” Mr. Ruffalo said, “puts me on a shorter list than I used to be for any job. ”
  To secure lead actors for its series of interlocking sequels and spinoffs, Marvel typically signs them to sixmovie deals. For stars, upfront salaries are paltry by Hollywood standards, often just barely over $1 million per picture for the first two films in a deal, after which they start to rise.
  “Marvel has proved they can succeed without having to step up the way other studios traditionally do,”said one 9)veteran agent who has negotiated deals with the studio.
  Still, with more than $7 billion in box-office returns and counting, even Marvel has been forced to become a little more generous. Other lead actors in Avengers: Age of Ultron were able to renegotiate their deals to get upfront salaries of more than $5 million, according to people familiar with the arrangement.

  Most actors and directors have only good things to say about the experience of working on a Marvel movie. The company’s successful track record ironically allows for more experimentation in genre and form than is typically allowed in Hollywood these days—so long as it’s done with comicbook characters. It’s unthinkable that any other studio would greenlight a big budget 10)political thriller like next year’s Captain America: Civil War or a science-fiction action-comedy like last year’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
  In addition, since the studio makes only two to three movies a year, its president and top creative executive Kevin Feige is personally involved with every project, and the company rarely develops scripts it doesn’t intend to make.
  Mr. Feige is said to be a firm believer that the characters and the Marvel brand itself are the stars of his films. That approach 11)syncs well with Mr. Perlmutter’s 12)tight-fistedness and gives Mr. Feige the 13)leeway to make bold choices. He cast Mr. Downey as Iron Man in 2008, even though the actor’s career was on the rocks at the time, because his showboating bad-boy persona mirrored the character of Tony Stark, the man behind the Iron Man mask.
  Comedy star Paul Rudd plays the title role in July’s AntMan, and next year Benedict Cumberbatch, recently Oscar nominated for The Imitation Game, will portray a master of the dark arts in Doctor Strange. The two are arguably the biggest stars to take on Marvel title roles, signifying the company’s growing appeal to actors with well-established, if not massive, careers.
  New talent will be critical to Marvel as the multi-picture deals of many of its current stars 14)expire in the next few years. Infinity War could mark the last appearances of Downey, Hemsworth and Evans, unless they choose to sign new contracts with the company. And 15)a slew of new talent has yet to be selected for movies scheduled between now and 2019, including a new Spider-Man and galactic team The Inhumans.
  But the disappearance of Marvel’s first wave of stars likely won’t mark the disappearance of Iron Man and Thor, nor a reboot of their origins, like 2012’s The Amazing SpiderMan, produced by Sony Pictures. Rather, Mr. Feige is said by people familiar with his thinking to favor the model of James Bond, who has been recast and aged down seven times over the past 53 years.

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