
来源 :中国现代应用药学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happyyoung
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前列腺增生症(BPH)是男性老年人的常见病、多发病。治疗药物较多,但迄今尚缺少理想的治疗药物。舍尼通(普适泰)是由瑞典科学家开发的一种天然植物性药物。我院自1997年9月至1998年4月应用舍尼通治疗BPH患者20例,取得满意疗效,现将临床结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1临床资料1997年9月至1998年4月随机选择我院门诊就诊患者20例,经询问病史、体检及前列腺B超检查确认为BPH。同时排除尿路感染、结石、肿瘤等合并症。年龄为48-74岁,平 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common and frequently-occurring disease in male elderly. There are more therapeutic drugs, but so far no ideal therapeutic drugs are available. Seneiton (普泰 泰) is a natural botanical drug developed by Swedish scientists. Our hospital from September 1997 to April 1998 application of senecton treatment of 20 patients with BPH, and achieved satisfactory results, the clinical results are reported as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Clinical data September 1997 to April 1998 randomly selected outpatient treatment in our hospital 20 patients, after asking the medical history, physical examination and prostate B-ultrasound confirmed as BPH. At the same time rule out urinary tract infections, stones, tumors and other complications. Age is 48-74 years old, flat
摘 要:课堂是教师实施素质教育、学生收获知识的主阵地。课堂效率如果不高,则势必影响教学质量。教师应适应课改形势,在学习与交流当中增加知识积累,增强教学方法的灵活性,对教材要深入分析,明确教学层次,采取相应措施提高学生的学习兴趣,这样则有助于促使语文教学真正走上科学化、高效率的轨道。  关键词:教学效率 适应 提高    在教学中有这样一种状况,常常有学生一听下节课是语文课就很高兴,让一个语文老师尴