Camellia Camellia is an evergreen shrub. Flower posture abundance, dignified and elegant, one of China’s top ten traditional flowers. Camellia bark beige, leaves alternate, leathery, oval, jagged edges, dark green. Flowers solitary and 2 to 3 was born in the shoot tip or leaf axillary, a single flap, semi-double flap and double flap. Like a warm, humid and semi-sunny environment. Afraid of high temperature and light exposure, impatience and dryness. Growth temperature 18 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, when the temperature above 12 ℃ began to sprout. 30 ℃ above the stop growing. Suitable flowering temperature of 10 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, the soil to soil deep, loose, well drained sandy loam is appropriate.