【摘 要】
The absorption process of radiative heat in its transmission medium and the effect of ultra-attenuation on the radiative characteristics are analyzed in detail
【出 处】
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl
The absorption process of radiative heat in its transmission medium and the effect of ultra-attenuation on the radiative characteristics are analyzed in detail. A method of ultra-attenuation to enhance the radiative characteristics of the medium is proposed. It is proved that decreasing the particle size of coatings can increase the transmission depth of radiative heat and get higher emissivity and absorptivity both theoretically and practically. Ultra-attenuation and nanocrystallization will bring a brilliant prospect to the development of radiative coatings.
The absorption process of radiative heat in its transmission medium and the effect of ultra-attenuation on the radiative characteristics is analyzed in detail. A method of ultra-attenuation to enhance the radiative characteristics of the medium is proposed. It is proved that decreasing the particle size of coatings can increase the transmission depth of radiative heat and get higher emissivity and absorptivity both theoretically and practically. Ultra-attenuation and nanocrystallization will bring a brilliant prospect to the development of radiative coatings.
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This ch
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【摘 要】 师生互动是当前课改中的一个重要问题,也是转变传统教学观念的一种具体体现,对于教师教学能力和教学水平的提高,学生创造精神和实际能力的培养都有重大意义。本文通过几个方面对初中数学课堂教学中如何师生互动的策略进行了探讨。 【关键词】 初中数学;课堂教学;师生互动;有效策略 随着数学改革的不断深入,如何科学地、有效地进行课堂教学,发挥师生互动的作用是促进教学工作、实施素质教育势在