
来源 :青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renyuh
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团的“十一”大要求我们,改进共青团的工作,加强共青团的建设,以更加朝气蓬勃的面貌出现在党和人民的面前。我们依靠什么去贯彻落实团的“十一”大精神,开创共青团工作新局面呢?一是靠党的坚强领导;二是靠广大团员青年团结奋斗;三是靠各级团干部努力提高自身素质,不断钻研新情况,解决新问题,总结新经验,创立新章法。八十年代的青年有自己的特点,思想比以往更加活跃,求知欲比以往更加强烈,特征行为模式比以往更加复杂,达就要求共青团工作也要有新的时代特色。团干部不能满足于单凭一腔热情去做工作,团的活动不能再局限于读文件、开大会、搞运动、突击生产这些“老套套”了。把社会科学方法运用于团的工作之中,把学习研究社会科学知识溶于团的活动之中,是改进共青团工作的一个重要途径。 The Eleventh “National League” requires us to improve the work of the Communist Youth League and strengthen the building of the Communist Youth League. It will emerge more vigorously in the face of the party and the people. What we rely on to implement the “11” spirit of the CYL and create a new situation in the work of the CYL? First, rely on the party’s strong leadership; second, relying on the unity of the broad masses of youth members; third, rely on the CYL cadres at all levels to improve their own quality , Continue to study new situations, solve new problems, sum up new experiences, and create a new chapter. The youth of the 1980s had their own characteristics. Their thinking was more active than ever. Their thirst for knowledge was stronger than ever. The pattern of characteristic behavior was more complicated than ever. It required the work of the Communist Youth League to have a new epochal character as well. CYL cadres can not be satisfied with their enthusiasm alone to do their work. The CYL’s activities can no longer be limited to reading the documents, opening a conference, engaging in sports, and assaulting these “old knacks” of production. It is an important way to improve the work of the Communist Youth League by applying the methods of social science to the work of the regiment and dissolving the knowledge of social science into the regiment.
执行力是指各部门及其员工贯彻落实上级的战略决策、方针目标和工作部署的操作能力和实践能力,也是提高执行命令、完成任务、达到目标的能力。 Execution refers to the abi
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