街头食品系指食品生产经营者在城乡街头或集贸市场以及其它公共场所中生产经营的直接入口的食品.随着个体经济的迅猛发展,街头食品越发丰富起来,而对其管理失控的问题也日益突出.本文初步探讨了泰安市街头食品的卫生现状,并提出了相应的管理对策.1 不良的卫生现状1.1 从业者 组成杂乱,文化程度、卫生习惯、法律意识普遍较差,无“健康证”、“卫生知识培训合格证”或一人有证全家经营的现象很普遍.1.2原辅料 为牟取更多利润,一些从业者从
Street food refers to foods that are directly imported and manufactured by food producers and marketers in urban and rural streets or bazaars as well as in other public places.With the rapid development of the individual economy, street food becomes more and more abundant, and the problem of runaway management The health status of street food in Taian city has been discussed tentatively and the corresponding management countermeasures have been put forward.1 Bad Health Status 1.1 Practitioners are composed of clutter, education level, hygienic habits and legal awareness, “,” Health Knowledge Training Certificate "or a family card business is very common phenomenon.1.2 raw and auxiliary materials to make more profits, some practitioners from