从古至今,中国妇女在科技领域中做出的贡献和事迹,可以按历史的发展划分为三个阶段:20世纪以前,20世纪上半叶和20世纪下半叶。 一、20世纪(1900年)以前 中国古代的女科学技术名人,自上古至20世纪之前,见于记载的很少,包括传说中的女科技名人,也不过二三十位,真可谓“寥若晨星”;而且记载十分简略,甚至有的只有姓而无名,或者只记载是某人之妻。 最早的女科技名人,是传说中的从事纺织业的嫘祖。虽然史书所记嫘祖,不一定实有其人。但从1958年浙江吴兴钱山漾原始文化遗址(距今约4700年)出土的丝织物来看,那时人们已经掌握了养蚕缫丝的技术。
Since ancient times, the contributions and deeds of Chinese women in science and technology can be divided into three stages according to the historical development: before the 20th century, the first half of the 20th century and the second half of the 20th century. First, before the 20th century (1900) before the ancient Chinese women of science and technology celebrities, since the ancient times until the 20th century, see little recorded, including the legendary female science and technology celebrities, but also twenty or thirty, really can be described as “rare Morningstar” ; And the record is very simple, and even some only surname and nameless, or only documented as a wife. The earliest female science and technology celebrities, is the legendary engaged in textile industry emperor. Although historians remember emperor, not necessarily have their own people. However, from the original cultural sites in Qianxi Yang, Wuxing, Zhejiang Province (dating back about 4,700 years) in 1958, the technology of silk reeling was mastered at that time.