为了适应农村群众性科学实验运动日益发展的需要,为农村开展土壤肥料研究活动提供设备,我们试制了 TF—5型养分诊断箱。可供公社农科站分析土壤、作物主要养分含量和肥料成分之用。TF—5型养分诊断箱可测定土壤全氮、有机质、有效氮、速效磷、酸碱度和植株全氮、硝态氮。并可用于化肥品种鉴别,也可进行盐分和水质分析。分析测定项目共二十多项。除速测项目外,其他项目的测定精确度与室内常规分析结果基本一致。附有70
In order to meet the needs of the growing masses of mass scientific experiments in rural areas, to provide equipment for rural soil and fertilizer research activities, we trial-produced TF-5-type nutrient diagnosis box. Agricultural stations for the commune analysis of soil, crop nutrients and fertilizer components. TF-5-type nutrient diagnostic box can determine total nitrogen, organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, pH and plant total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen. And can be used to identify fertilizer varieties, but also for salt and water quality analysis. Analytical determination of a total of more than 20 items. Except quick test items, the accuracy of other items is basically consistent with the results of routine analysis indoors. With 70