2004年10月3日 ̄5日在美国新奥尔良市举行的ITA会上,代表们交流的有关近年来钛冶炼、加工和焊接的新技术如下:(1)钛的冶炼日本东邦钛公司,提出新的冶炼工艺面向一般用途,而克罗尔法面向航空工业的提案。TP公司介绍了TiCl4与Na的液流直接反应制取钛粉末的Armstrong钠还原法的工
At the ITA meeting held in New Orleans, USA from October 3 to October 5, 2004, the new technologies exchanged by delegates for titanium smelting, processing and welding in recent years are as follows: (1) Titanium smelting Nippon Toho Co., Ltd., Proposed a new smelting process for general use, and Kroll Act for the aviation industry’s proposal. TP Company introduced the direct reaction of TiCl4 and Na liquid stream to make titanium powder Armstrong sodium reduction method