Experimental Study of Melting Heat Transfer in an\\rEnclosure with Three Discrete Protruding Heat

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wkp418907
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To explore the possibility of using solid-liquid phase change cooling to those periodically or intermit-tently operated electronic equipment, a detail of experimeatal study of time-dependent melting heattransfer in a rectangular encforure with three discrete protruding heat sources is presented. A seriesof experimntal measurement in an enclosure with phase change materials (PCM) of n-octadecaneheated by three discrete Protruding heat sources at a constant rate on one of its vertical wall has beendescribed. The opposite wall of the enclosure is cooled at a constant temperature and all other wallsof the enclosure are insulated. The time-dependent solid-liquid shapes of the interface during meltingprocess, the variation of surface temperature and the effects of subcooling are investigated. An empirical correlation predicting the relationship between tbe liquid phase fraction and subcooling is given. To explore the possibility of using solid-liquid phase change cooling to those periodically or intermit-tently operated electronic equipment, a detail of experimeatal study of time-dependent melting heat transfer in a rectangular encforure with three discrete protruding heat sources is presented. A series of experimntal measurement in an enclosure with phase change materials (PCM) of n-octadecaneheated by three discrete Protruding heat sources at a constant rate on one of its vertical wall has beencribed. The opposite wall of the enclosure is cooled at a constant temperature and all other wallsof the enclosure is insulated. The time-dependent solid-liquid shapes of the interface during meltingprocess, the variation of surface temperature and the effects of subcooling are investigated. An empirical correlation predicting the relationship between tbe liquid phase fraction and subcooling is given.
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