在南宋的文论中 ,《文章精义》的地位十分突出。它论文不持门户之见 ,视野开阔 ,以气为主而较少关注声律章句 ,既能对作品的文法技巧、渊源得失做出细致地分析 ,又注意把握文章的整体意脉。它对韩柳欧苏等唐宋重要作家的大量论述 ,观点平实公允 ,点评准确精当 ,提高了唐宋文的地位 ,为散文理论的发展做出了重要贡献。
In the literary theory of the Southern Song Dynasty, “the essence of the article” is very prominent. Its thesis does not hold the view of the portal, broaden its horizons and focus on qi and pay less attention to accent clauses. It not only can make detailed analysis on the grammar skills and origin of the works, but also pay attention to grasp the overall meaning of the essay. It discusses a great deal of important writers in the Tang and Song dynasties such as Han Liu Ousu and so on. Its viewpoints are fair and accurate, precise and precise comments, and improve the status of the Tang and Song dynasties, made an important contribution to the development of prose theory.