Probe stiffness regulates receptor-ligand bond lifetime under force

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bad_47
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Receptor-ligand bond dissociation under applied force is crucial to elucidate its biological functionality when the molecular bond is usually connected to a mechanical probe. While the impact of probe stiffness, k, on bond rupture force has recently attracted more and more attention, the mechanism of how it affects the bond lifetime, however, remains unclear. Here we quantified the dissociation lifetime of selectin-ligand bond using an optical trap assay with low stiffness ranging from 3.5×10-3 to 4.7×10-2 pN/nm. Our results indicated that bond lifetime yielded distinct distributions with different probe stiffness, implying the stochastic feature of bond dissociation. It was also found that the mean lifetime varied with probe stiffness and that the catch bond nature was visualized at k■3.0×10-2 pN/nm. This work furthered the understanding of the forced dissociation of selectin-ligand bond at varied probe stiffness, which is physiologically relevant to the tethered rolling of leukocytes under blood flow. While the impact of probe stiffness, k, on bond rupture force has recently attracted more and more attention, the mechanism Here we quantified the dissociation lifetime of selectin-ligand bond using an optical trap assay with low stiffness ranging from 3.5 × 10-3 to 4.7 × 10-2 pN / nm. Our results showed that bond lifetime yielded distinct distributions with different probe stiffness, implying the stochastic feature of bond dissociation. It was also found that the mean lifetime varied with probe stiffness and that the catch bond nature was visualized at k ■ 3.0 × 10-2 pN / nm. This work furthered the understanding of the forced dissociation of selectin-ligand bond at varied probe stiffness, which is physiologically relevant to the tethered rolling of leuko cytes under blood flow.
1.前言: 諾維柯夫齿輪較同样材料同样尺寸的漸开綫齿輪有着很高的承载能力及机械效率,大大簡化了冷却問題,同时成倍地减輕了重量,大量地节省原材料,根据已有的实驗資料,早已
1918年11月,项南出生于福建连城县。他从小受革命家庭熏陶。11岁就在家乡文坊苏区任少先队队长,1930年起随做地下革命工作的父母在南京、上海等地半工半读。 1937年7月,项南
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