
来源 :青岛医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haose1989
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急性鼻窦炎为鼻部最常见的疾病之一。分急性和慢性两种。急性鼻窦炎多为急性鼻炎引起,也可因邻近器官的感染,局部损伤及全身因素引起。慢性鼻窦炎多因急性期治疗不当或反复发作所致。急性鼻窦炎常继发于上感或急性鼻炎。全身症状如发热,头痛,周身不适等。局部症状:以鼻塞,多脓涕和头痛为主,并在急性鼻炎的基础上加重。如急性上颌窦炎:前额部痛,晨起轻,午后重,还可能有同侧面颊部胀痛或上列磨牙疼痛。急性额窦炎:前 Acute sinusitis is one of the most common nasal diseases. Sub-acute and chronic two. Acute rhinosinusitis mostly caused by acute rhinitis, but also due to the infection of neighboring organs, local damage and systemic factors. Chronic sinusitis and more due to improper treatment of acute or recurrent. Acute sinusitis often secondary to the flu or acute rhinitis. Systemic symptoms such as fever, headache, unwell and so on. Local symptoms: nasal congestion, purulent nasal discharge and headache-based, and increased on the basis of acute rhinitis. Such as acute maxillary sinusitis: the forehead pain, morning light, heavy afternoon, but also may have ipsilateral cheek pain or molars above the pain. Acute frontal sinusitis: before
摘 要:初中的體育教学目的是希望能够提高学生们的身体素质,以及增强同学们锻炼身体的意识。因此体育教学是一件很重要的事。而在体育教学中,将体育游戏应用其中能够增强学生们对体育学习的兴趣,改变传统的体育教学方式。因此,体育游戏,作为一种重要的教学手段,值得老师们合理使用。本文将从以下几个方面进行讨论,体育游戏在初中体育教学中应用的现状,体育游戏对学生起到的积极作用,以及体育游戏又将如何应用到初中体育教