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毛泽东在延安13年,领导着中国革命航船的前行。期间,除每天忙于重大战略的部署外,他还题写了大量的有关政治、经济、军事、文化等活动的题词赠言,其中的一些题词,是为中国革命伟大事业牺牲的先烈写的。谢子长是陕甘边和陕北革命根据地(这两块根据地后连成一片,形成拥有20余县的陕甘革命根据地)的缔造者之一,也是中华民族的著名英烈。毛泽东在延安期间,曾三次亲笔为谢子长题词,一次 Mao Zedong in Yan’an 13 years, leading the Chinese revolution sailing forward. In addition to being busy with the deployment of major strategies every day, he also wrote a large number of inscriptions on the political, economic, military and cultural activities. Some of these inscriptions were written by the martyrs who sacrificed for the great cause of the Chinese revolution. Xie Zichang is one of the founders of Shaanxi and Gansu and the revolutionary base areas of Northern Shaanxi (the two base areas were connected to form a revolutionary base area of ​​Shaanxi and Gansu with more than 20 counties) and is also a famous hero of the Chinese nation. Mao Zedong in Yan’an, had three autographs for the thank son long inscription, once