米象 Sitophilus Oryzae(L.)和玉米象 S.zeamais Mots.严重危害农、付、土特产品,被视为毁灭性仓库害虫。由于外部形态极相似,过去一直把它们作“米象”记录,混称历久。1974—1975年,商业部粮食局组织了一次全国仓虫调查,“发现我国广泛分布的并非米象而是玉米象,仅在个别省份发现有米象”,贵州未在调查之列。几年来,收集解剖了全省各地送来的大量标本,初步查明玉米象遍及全省,为绝对优势种;米象目前仅32个县、市有分布。米象在我省罗甸等少数县有较长的为害历史,大多数县则是随商品粮或稻种传入。此外,本文还简述了有关生物学和防治。
The rice-like Sitophilus Oryzae (L.) and the corn-like S.zeamais Mots. Seriously endangered the peasants, paid, native products, are considered as devastating warehouse pests. Due to their extremely similar external forms, they were used as “rice-like” records in the past for a long time. From 1974 to 1975, the Food Department of the Ministry of Commerce organized a survey of the national cercing worms. “It was found that there is a wide spread of rice in China, not just rice but corn. Elephants are found only in some provinces.” Guizhou is not included in the survey. In recent years, a large number of specimens collected from all over the province were collected and dissected. It was preliminarily identified that corn was the dominant species in the whole province and was the dominant species. At present, there are only 32 counties and cities in the world. Rice elephants have a long history of injury in a few counties such as Luodian in our province, and most counties are introduced with commodity grains or rice varieties. In addition, this article also briefly describes the biology and prevention.