蓝天白云下,一块金灿灿的铜匾分外引人注目,由国家建设部、国务院发展研究中心评定的全国500家最大建筑企业中名列第七十位的标志,向人们昭示:南京铁路分局线桥大修段在强手如林的建筑市场竞争中,以漂亮的拳脚抢占了市场的制高点。 一个铁路运输企业的基层单位,一双双焊接铁轨的手,在实现与现代化接轨的市场竞争中,再铸辉煌,其中有什么玄妙嘛? 一群充满自豪的职工 在如花园般的机关大院,在整洁如宾馆的宿营车上,来去匆匆的职工们,黝黑的脸膛上映满了自豪,挺直的腰杆透出自信。在走向市场,实现与现代化接轨中,大修段人所表现出的那种敢为人先的胆略和气魄,赢得了多少赞叹声啊!
Under the blue sky and white clouds, a golden bronze plaque is particularly noticeable. The symbol of the seventieth place among the 500 largest construction enterprises assessed by the State Ministry of Construction and the State Council Development Research Center shows to people that the Nanjing Railway Branch Line Bridge overhaul in strong hands like the competition in the construction market, with fist fists and seizes the commanding height of the market. A grass-roots unit of a railway transport company, a pair of welding rail hand, in the realization of modern market competition, and then cast glory, what are the mysterious thing? A group of proud workers in the garden-like organs of the compound in the garden Neat as the hotel camper, rush to and fro workers, the dark face full of pride, straight up the spine revealed confidence. In the market, to achieve integration with the modernization, overhaul people who showed the kind of pioneering courage and courage, won the number of praise ah!