Are these, our modern lives, what people decades ago, in another time, imagined they would be?
In some ways, the future is now. We all chat on our 1)Star Trek communicators, you can get a robot cleaner like Rosie from 2)The Jetsons, and 3)Survivor isn’t that different from 4)Running Man.
But predicting the future isn’t always so easy, not even for geniuses. In 1931, the New York Times asked a group of the world’s great thinkers to predict what life would be like in 2011: now. W. J. Mayo, a founder of the Mayo Clinic, predicted our 5)life expectancy, 59 years in 1931, would reach the Biblical
term of three-score and ten—70. The reality? Life expectancy in the US is now nearly 78. At a time when 35% of American homes were still heated by wood, Willis Whitney, who founded the research lab at General Electric, predicted by 2011 you would live in an electrically-heated, air-conditioned home, but he also added there would be an attached air-car hanger. Not quite. Henry Ford said that whatever 2011 produced, it would make 1931 seem 6)drab. Then, they had 7)Little Orphan Annie on the radio; we have 8)Jersey Shore.
(I love you Jersey Shore.)
Sociologist William Ogburn got closest. He predicted “the magic of remote control will be commonplace”and “the lives of women will be more
like those of men, spent more outside the
home.” In 1931, less than a quarter of women were in the labor force. Now it’s nearly 60%.
So what about 80 years from now? What will that be like? Will we finally be able to 9)beam, like Star Trek? Well, we might not have to.
Timothy Mack (President, World Future Society): Our mode of transportation will largely be virtual and through 10)holographic means. People will go to each other without moving from wherever they are.
Something to think about.
In some ways, the future is now. We all chat on our 1)Star Trek communicators, you can get a robot cleaner like Rosie from 2)The Jetsons, and 3)Survivor isn’t that different from 4)Running Man.
But predicting the future isn’t always so easy, not even for geniuses. In 1931, the New York Times asked a group of the world’s great thinkers to predict what life would be like in 2011: now. W. J. Mayo, a founder of the Mayo Clinic, predicted our 5)life expectancy, 59 years in 1931, would reach the Biblical
term of three-score and ten—70. The reality? Life expectancy in the US is now nearly 78. At a time when 35% of American homes were still heated by wood, Willis Whitney, who founded the research lab at General Electric, predicted by 2011 you would live in an electrically-heated, air-conditioned home, but he also added there would be an attached air-car hanger. Not quite. Henry Ford said that whatever 2011 produced, it would make 1931 seem 6)drab. Then, they had 7)Little Orphan Annie on the radio; we have 8)Jersey Shore.
(I love you Jersey Shore.)
Sociologist William Ogburn got closest. He predicted “the magic of remote control will be commonplace”and “the lives of women will be more
like those of men, spent more outside the
home.” In 1931, less than a quarter of women were in the labor force. Now it’s nearly 60%.
So what about 80 years from now? What will that be like? Will we finally be able to 9)beam, like Star Trek? Well, we might not have to.
Timothy Mack (President, World Future Society): Our mode of transportation will largely be virtual and through 10)holographic means. People will go to each other without moving from wherever they are.
Something to think about.