The first year that I lost my eyesight I didn’t do any art. It didn’t even occur to me to try to draw, and I’d drawn all my life. I was in the deepest, darkest hole. I really felt like I had no worth anymore. Whenever you lose your eyesight, there is a disconnect with people. I wanted to let people know that I was still me, that I was still in here. And finally I knew I had to get my hands dirty, I had to get back into art. Even if it was wrong, if it was crazy…
I started one evening with this paint that dries really fast and it leaves a raised line, and I drew all that night, but, you know, this…this pretty much makes it official, “John, you’re crazy.” And I would just 1)crumple up paper, ’cause I’d make a mistake, I’d crumple it up, I’d throw it down. I was sitting on the floor and I drew all that night. By the next morning, I was surrounded by paper. It was like…it was like I was sitting in a little white nest of paper, and I had this weird feeling, you know. For a second I almost thought I was getting sick or something and it occurred to me, it was hope.
The raised lines are a map for me. It’s a way to guide myself across the 2)canvas. The way I tell colour, it depends on the…on the type of paint. When I first started painting it was all oil paints, and I love oil. I worked 14, 16, 18 hours a day every day for about three months, mixing a little bit of one with the, you know, seeing how that felt, mixing a little bit, adding some thinner, seeing how that felt, just mixing them. If I’m working with a black, it’ll be runny, almost like oil. And if I’m working with a 3)titanium white, it’s like toothpaste. So whenever I’m mixing these two paints, they feel completely different. So if I want a grey halfway between, I just mix for a texture that’s halfway between that really loose feeling and that really thick feeling. And it turns out that’s a really precise way of…of mixing colour.
那些凸起的线条简直就是我的地图,指导我在画布上作画。我区分颜色的方法取决于……取决于颜料的种类。我刚开始作画的时候,用的都是油画颜料,因为我喜欢油画。我每天都画上14、16、18个小时,我这样坚持了三个月。我试着每天混合不同的颜料,你知道,感受一下新颜料的触感;再混进一点颜料,加上一点稀释剂,再感受一下;只是这样把它们混合在一起。如果我用的是黑色的,那它应该是比较稀的,差不多跟油一样。如果我用的是钛白色,那它摸起来像牙膏。所以,不管什么时候,我把这两个颜料混合起来,它们都会给你完全不同的感觉。那么,如果我需要一个淡灰色,我就会把颜料混合在一起,寻找摸起来感觉在稀松与粘稠之间的混合物。我发现,这真是一个调颜色的精确方式。 Jackie, she’s my love, she’s brilliant. She’s courageous too because I’m a blind painter, and she married a blind painter. So, I mean, you’ve really gotta give her credit for that, for having the vision. I have a 3? year-old son now. The seconds after he was born, I was able to feel his face and see what he looks like. That’s such a gift! The feelings I had, feeling his face when he was born.
Art has opened up the world to me in a…in a whole new way. I see things in a new way. I see less, you know, I have to feel to see, but what I do see, I see with a lot more detail and with a lot more emotion to it. Painting is the way that I know the world now, it’s the way I visualize the world. It’s my connection to it.
I love my family. You know, I love my son, I love my wife, but painting is just a part of me. I didn’t paint before I lost my eyesight, but it was because I was too afraid. I had a fear, like, I knew that I wouldn’t be a very good painter. It wasn’t’til after I lost my eyesight that I wasn’t afraid to fail anymore. The first step into my art career was going blind. I was an 4)epileptic and I was blind, and now I’m ten…ten years later I’m still an epileptic, I’m still blind, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Life has more colour, I have more love in my life, and I think what I learned from losing my eyesight and finding art is just to try to stay in the moment; be in the moment as much as you can.
I started one evening with this paint that dries really fast and it leaves a raised line, and I drew all that night, but, you know, this…this pretty much makes it official, “John, you’re crazy.” And I would just 1)crumple up paper, ’cause I’d make a mistake, I’d crumple it up, I’d throw it down. I was sitting on the floor and I drew all that night. By the next morning, I was surrounded by paper. It was like…it was like I was sitting in a little white nest of paper, and I had this weird feeling, you know. For a second I almost thought I was getting sick or something and it occurred to me, it was hope.
The raised lines are a map for me. It’s a way to guide myself across the 2)canvas. The way I tell colour, it depends on the…on the type of paint. When I first started painting it was all oil paints, and I love oil. I worked 14, 16, 18 hours a day every day for about three months, mixing a little bit of one with the, you know, seeing how that felt, mixing a little bit, adding some thinner, seeing how that felt, just mixing them. If I’m working with a black, it’ll be runny, almost like oil. And if I’m working with a 3)titanium white, it’s like toothpaste. So whenever I’m mixing these two paints, they feel completely different. So if I want a grey halfway between, I just mix for a texture that’s halfway between that really loose feeling and that really thick feeling. And it turns out that’s a really precise way of…of mixing colour.
那些凸起的线条简直就是我的地图,指导我在画布上作画。我区分颜色的方法取决于……取决于颜料的种类。我刚开始作画的时候,用的都是油画颜料,因为我喜欢油画。我每天都画上14、16、18个小时,我这样坚持了三个月。我试着每天混合不同的颜料,你知道,感受一下新颜料的触感;再混进一点颜料,加上一点稀释剂,再感受一下;只是这样把它们混合在一起。如果我用的是黑色的,那它应该是比较稀的,差不多跟油一样。如果我用的是钛白色,那它摸起来像牙膏。所以,不管什么时候,我把这两个颜料混合起来,它们都会给你完全不同的感觉。那么,如果我需要一个淡灰色,我就会把颜料混合在一起,寻找摸起来感觉在稀松与粘稠之间的混合物。我发现,这真是一个调颜色的精确方式。 Jackie, she’s my love, she’s brilliant. She’s courageous too because I’m a blind painter, and she married a blind painter. So, I mean, you’ve really gotta give her credit for that, for having the vision. I have a 3? year-old son now. The seconds after he was born, I was able to feel his face and see what he looks like. That’s such a gift! The feelings I had, feeling his face when he was born.
Art has opened up the world to me in a…in a whole new way. I see things in a new way. I see less, you know, I have to feel to see, but what I do see, I see with a lot more detail and with a lot more emotion to it. Painting is the way that I know the world now, it’s the way I visualize the world. It’s my connection to it.
I love my family. You know, I love my son, I love my wife, but painting is just a part of me. I didn’t paint before I lost my eyesight, but it was because I was too afraid. I had a fear, like, I knew that I wouldn’t be a very good painter. It wasn’t’til after I lost my eyesight that I wasn’t afraid to fail anymore. The first step into my art career was going blind. I was an 4)epileptic and I was blind, and now I’m ten…ten years later I’m still an epileptic, I’m still blind, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Life has more colour, I have more love in my life, and I think what I learned from losing my eyesight and finding art is just to try to stay in the moment; be in the moment as much as you can.