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第一章總則第一條為了辦好人民的企業,事實证明,必須根据全國第六次勞動大會决議,建立企業或工廠管理委员會(以下簡稱管委会)与職工代表會議,實行管理民主化,方能增進職工羣衆的企業主人翁的感覺,以發揚職工群众的積極性、創造性,而自覺自願地有组織有紀律地改進业務,提高生產,並培養職工管理生產能力。第二章工廠管理委員會的組織第二條凡属國營、公營工廠企業,均應组织管委會,由廠長(或經理)副廠長(或副經理)、總工程師(或主要工程師)及其他生產負責人和相當於以上數量之工人職員代表組織之。廠長、副廠長(或經理、副經理)總工程師及工會主席為當然委員,其他生產負責人須参加管委會者由廠長報告上级機關決定之。工人職员代表由工會召集全體職工大會或職工代表 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to run the people’s enterprises, it has been proved that the establishment of an enterprise or factory management committee (hereinafter referred to as the CMC) and the meeting of employee representatives according to the resolution of the 6th Labor Conference of the People’s Republic of China must implement the management of democracy Only in this way can we enhance the sense of ownership of the workers and staff in order to promote the enthusiasm and creativity of the workers and the masses and consciously and voluntarily conduct business in an orderly and disciplined manner to improve production and train staff in the management of their production capacity. Chapter II Organization of the Factory Management Committee Article 2 All State-owned and public factory enterprises shall organize a management committee consisting of the deputy director (or deputy manager), chief engineer (or chief engineer) and Other person in charge of production and workers’ representative organizations equivalent to the above number. The chief engineer and deputy factory manager (or manager and deputy manager) chief engineer and the union chairman shall be appointed ex officio members. The other responsible persons of production shall attend the management committee and be decided by the director of the supervisory department at the higher authority. Workers Staff representatives by the union convened the general staff meeting or employee representatives
  目的 氧化应激与炎症的相互作用是动脉粥样硬化病变发展的关键因素,膜偶联NADPH氧化酶是血管中ROS的主要来源,抗氧化剂Apocynin通过拮抗细胞内氧化酶亚单位(如p47phox)的