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为了解我国城市农民工生活质量状况,为党和政府制定有关政策提供参考依据,今年8月,国家统计局决定在全国范围内开展城市农民工生活质量状况一次性专项调查。国家统计局青海调查总队根据国家统计局的统一部署,于8月14日—28日,在西宁市和格尔木市范围内开展了城市农民工生活质量状况调查工作。此次问卷调查严格按照国家调查方案的要求进行,深入到厂矿企业、建筑工地和街道社区对抽中的农民工进行了认真细致询问调查,较客观、真实地取得了我省城市农民工生活质量状况的第一手资料。调查结果表明当前,城市农民工工作和生活条件普遍较差。他们劳动强度大,生活开销大;文化程度低,社会保障低;工作环境差,生活条件差;文化娱乐少,技能培训少。尽管如此,但多数农民工仍认可目前生存的现状,对未来生活充满希望。青海省城市农民工生活质量状况调查报告共分四部分,第一部分为城市农民工劳动就业和社会保障状况,第二部分为城市农民工生活与教育状况,第三部分为农民工对城市生活的评价和希望,第四部分为农民工外出务工经商存在的问题及建议。第一、二部分编在2007年第一期,第三、四部分编在2007年第二期。 In August this year, the National Bureau of Statistics decided to conduct a one-time special investigation of the quality of life of urban migrant workers in cities across the country in order to understand the quality of life of rural migrant workers in our country and provide a reference basis for the formulation of relevant policies by the party and the government. According to the unified arrangements of the National Bureau of Statistics, the National Bureau of Investigation Qinghai Investigation Corps conducted a survey on the quality of life of urban migrant workers in Xining and Golmud from August 14 to August 28. The survey was conducted in strict accordance with the requirements of the state investigation program, went deep into the factories and mines, construction sites and neighborhood communities to carry out a careful investigation of the migrant workers in pumping, more objective and truthful quality of life of migrant workers in urban areas in our province First-hand information on the situation. The survey results show that at present, urban migrant workers generally have poor working and living conditions. They are labor-intensive and have a high cost of living; they have a low level of education and low social security; they have poor working conditions and poor living conditions; and they have less cultural and entertainment experience and less skill training. However, most migrant workers still recognize the current status of their existence and are full of hope for their future life. The survey report on quality of life of urban migrant workers in Qinghai Province is divided into four parts, the first part is the status of urban migrant workers ’employment and social security, the second part is the life and education of urban migrant workers, the third part is the migrant workers’ Evaluation and hope, the fourth part is the migrant workers business problems and suggestions. The first and second parts are compiled in 2007 first part, the third and fourth parts are compiled in 2007 second part.
高考形式的不断改革,使得物理基础知识的考查更注重近代物理知识,尤其是原子物理,并且在考查中渗透了中学物理的主干知识,现就此谈谈这类问题的特点及解法. 一、动量、能量
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