1999年春季,宁都县境内严重干旱,无雨日达 115 d,总降水量仅为 166.6 mm,是历年同期平均降雨量的 1/2,严重影响了境内脐橙树的生长。青塘镇农户曾会昌施沼肥缓解旱情,收到了较好的效果。同地块施用其它肥料的果树,枝杈细、叶子黄,落花后果实小。施用
In the spring of 1999, severe drought in Ningdu County reached 115 days without rainy day and the total precipitation was only 166.6 mm, which was one half of the average rainfall in the same period of last year, seriously affecting the growth of navel orange trees in China. Qingtang farmers had Huichang fertilizer to ease the drought, received good results. Use the same land with other fertilizers of fruit trees, twigs thin, yellow leaves, fruit after the fruit is small. Application