不管是不是《哈利·波特》的粉丝,你一定看过一两部《哈利·波特》的小说或电影吧。在这十多年里,《哈利·波特》陪伴着很多人成长。随着小说结局尘埃落定,一部巨著划上了句号,三位主角也从懵懂少年长成风华正茂的年轻人。在经过长达16个月的拍摄后,《哈利·波特》系列最后一部《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》于今年6月终于结束了前期拍摄。这是三人组最后一次出演《哈利·波特》的角色。我们相信丹尼尔、爱玛和鲁珀特一定会向观众呈献自己最好的表演,让整个系列完美地降下帷幕。下面就让我们跟随《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)的记者走进拍摄现场一探究竟。
Whether or not you are a fan of Harry Potter, you must have read one or two “Harry Potter” novels or movies. In more than a decade, “Harry Potter” accompanied many people to grow. As the fate of the novel settles, a great masterpiece is drawn to an end, and the three protagonists also grow young from ignorant youngsters. After 16 months of filming, the final Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows series of the Harry Potter series ended their pre-shooting in June this year. This is the last time the trio played “Harry Potter” role. We believe Daniel, Emma and Rupert will be presenting their best show to the audience, bringing the entire series to a successful conclusion. Let’s follow a reporter from Entertainment Weekly into the scene.