显示器已经被看作电脑的一张脸面,而在微软的眼里,这张脸不仅要好看还要实用,于是它力推Tablet PC以及Smartdisplay。这些产品的一个共同特点是提高了液晶显示设备在整个桌面平台的地位、前者在去年被媒体炒得火热,但后者却在国内很难听到声音。尽管ViewSonic在中国与全球同步发布了Smartdisplay产品,即ViewSonic airpanel V150/V170,但到场喝彩的合作伙伴寥寥无几。不能说微软或是英特尔不重视Smartdisplay产品,毕竟第一个举起ViewSonic airpanel产品的人是比尔盖
The monitor has been seen as a face of a computer, but in Microsoft’s eyes, this face is not only good-looking but also practical, so it pushed Tablet PC and Smartdisplay. One of the common features of these products is the rise of liquid crystal display devices throughout the desktop platform. The former was hit hard by the media last year, but the latter hardly heard voices in China. Although ViewSonic has released the Smartdisplay product in China simultaneously with the rest of the world, the ViewSonic airpanel V150 / V170, there are only a few partners applauded. Can not say that Microsoft or Intel do not value Smartdisplay products, after all, the first person to lift ViewSonic airpanel products is Bill cover