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  One night about five years ago, just before bed, I saw a tweet from a friend announcing how delighted he was to have been shortlisted1 for a journalism award. I felt my stomach lurch and my head spin, my teeth clench and my chest tighten.2 I did not sleep until the morning.
  Another five years or so before that, when I was at university, I was scrolling3 through the Facebook photos of someone on my course whom I vaguely knew. As I clicked on the pictures of her out clubbing with friends, drunkenly laughing, I felt my mood sink so fast that I had to sit back in my chair.4 I seemed to stop breathing.
  I have thought about why these memories still haunt me from time to time—why they have not been forgotten along with most other day-to-day interactions I have had on social media—and I think it is because, in my 32 years, those are the most powerful and painful moments of envy I have experienced. I had not even entered that journalism competition, and I have never once been clubbing and enjoyed it, but as I read that tweet and as I scrolled through those photographs, I so desperately wanted what those people had that it left me as winded as if I had been punched in the stomach.5

  We live in the age of envy. Career envy, kitchen envy, children envy, food envy, upper arm envy, holiday envy. You name it, there’s an envy for it. Human beings have always felt what Aristotle defined in the fourth century BC as pain at the sight of another’s good fortune, stirred by “those who have what we ought to have”—though it would be another thousand years before it would make it on to Pope Gregory’s list of the seven deadly sins.6
  But with the advent7 of social media, says Ethan Kross, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan who studies the impact of Facebook on our well-being, “envy is being taken to an extreme.” We are constantly bombarded by“Photoshopped lives,” he says, “and that exerts a toll on us the likes of which we have never experienced in the history of our species.8 And it is not particularly pleasant.”
  Clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew says she is seeing more and more envy in her consulting room, from people who “can’t achieve the lifestyle they want but which they see others have.” Our use of platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, she says, amplifies this deeply disturbing psychological discord.9 “I think what social media has done is make everyone accessible for comparison,”she explains. “In the past, people might have just envied their neighbours, but now we can compare ourselves with everyone across the world.” Windy Dryden, one of the UK’s leading practitioners of cognitive behavioural therapy, calls this“comparisonitis.”10   And those comparisons are now much less realistic, Andrew continues: “We all know that images can be filtered11, that people are presenting the very best take on their lives.” We carry our envy amplification device around in our pockets, we sleep with it next to our pillows, and it tempts us 24 hours a day, the moment we wake up, even if it is the middle of the night. Andrew has observed among her patients that knowing they are looking at an edited version of reality, the awareness that #nofilter is a deceitful hashtag, is no defence against the emotional force of envy.12“What I notice is that most of us can intellectualise13 what we see on social media platforms—we know that these images and narratives that are presented aren’t real, we can talk about it and rationalise it—but on an emotional level, it’s still pushing buttons. If those images or narratives tap into what we aspire14 to, but what we don’t have, then it becomes very powerful.”

  To explore the role that envy plays in our use of social media, Kross and his team designed a study to consider the relationship between passive Facebook use—“just voyeuristically scrolling,” as he puts it—and envy and mood from moment to moment.15 Participants received texts five times a day for two weeks, asking about their passive Facebook use since the previous message, and how they were feeling in that moment. The results were striking, he says:“The more you’re on there scrolling away, the more that elicits16 feelings of envy, which in turn predicts drops in how good you feel.”
  No age group or social class is immune from envy, according to Andrew. In her consulting room she sees young women, selfconscious about how they look, who begin to follow certain accounts on Instagram to find hair inspiration or makeup techniques, and end up envying the women they follow and feeling even worse about themselves. But she also sees the same pattern among older businessmen and women who start out looking for strategies and tips on Twitter, and then struggle to accept what they find, which is that some people seem to be more successful than they are. “Equally, it can be friends and family who bring out those feelings of envy, around looks, lifestyle, careers and parenting—because somebody is always doing it better on social media,” she says.
  While envying other people is damaging enough, “We have something even more pernicious, I think,” the renowned social psychologist Sherry Turkle tells me.17 “We look at the lives we have constructed online in which we only show the best of ourselves, and we feel a fear of missing out in relation to our own lives. We don’t measure up to the lives we tell others we are living, and we look at the self as though it were an other, and feel envious of it.”18 This creates an alienating19 sense of “self-envy” inside us, she says. “We feel inauthentic, curiously envious of our own avatars.”20   26. resentful: 憎恨的,怨恨的。
  27. underhand: 秘密的,偷偷摸摸的;malice: 恶意,怨恨。
  28. annihilate: 消灭,毁灭。
  29. 她认为嫉妒不是天生的;它始于早年的缺失经历,如果母亲没有与孩子建立良好的情感联系,孩子在生活中的自尊心就得不到滋养。innate: 先天的,与生俱来的;deprivation: 剥夺,缺失。
  30. robust: 稳固的,坚固的。
  31. curation: 策展,这里指综合管理;persona: 人物角色。
  32. 没有什么比一个过于敏锐的配偶更能刺痛一个人的自尊心了。perceptive: 感觉敏锐的,有洞察力的;prick: 刺痛。
  33. publicise: 宣传,宣扬。
  34. hone: 磨砺,磨炼,这里指打造。
  35. unapologetically: 不愧悔地,无歉意地;deceptively: 欺骗性地;normalise: 使正常化;flourish: 繁荣,兴旺。
  36. 当然,提高人们对先前被隐瞒的、带给人沉重打击的流产、虐待和骚扰这些经历的意识,能够使人们获得挑战耻辱、改变社会的力量。devastating: 破坏性的,毁灭性的;miscarriage: 流产;stigma: 耻辱,污名。
  37. ostensibly: 表面上,假裝地。
  38. noxious: 有害的,有毒的;upside: 好的方面,积极的一面。
  39. piercing:(感情)强烈的;wade:跋涉;acute: 短时间的。
  40. pang: 一阵(剧痛、伤心等)。
  ∷秋叶 评
  “羡慕”与“嫉妒”往往是同一硬币的两面,其产生显然都是由于自觉或不自觉地与他者进行比较,而“比较”是作为社会性动物的人类最基本也是最正常的心理冲动之一。我们对于自我形象与价值的判断往往也是通过各种比较作出的。因此,把他者作为一个尺度来衡量自己并产生一些反应非常自然。然而问题是,有些人陷入这种因比较(原文中用了comparisonitis一词,指“比较癖”)而产生的由“嫉妒”发展到“憎恨”的极端负面情绪中难以自拔,甚至做出一些损人又害己的不理智行为。这不禁让人想到法国哲学家萨特在其存在主义哲学中所提出的著名命题“他人即地狱(Hell is other people)”。在萨特看来,这是现代人因“异化(alienation)”带来的一种荒诞的人性状态,而选文作者认为当前这种迅速蔓延的社会问题与各种电子社交媒体脱不了干系。
  作为社会化的人类,其实多少都有些攀比的心理。英语中有“keeping up with the Joneses”的说法,就是把左邻右舍作为自己的尺度,来比较两者之间社会地位与财富积累程度的高低。有谁愿意看见自己的邻居在地位与财富上超越自己并承认“低人一等”呢?因此,自认为暂时“占下风”的一方很可能就会做出某些不理性的事情。我们中国人至少在公开场合都要讲知足常乐,批评攀比心态。例如,我们将因攀比而产生的负面情绪称作“红眼病”,或者讥讽别人“这山望着那山高”,警告攀比者“人比人气死人”,有时又颇为“中庸”地安慰自己说“比上不足,比下有余”。无独有偶,英文里凑巧也有类似的表达,如“green-eyed monster”(我们说嫉妒得眼睛发红,而西方人却认为眼睛发绿是嫉妒的症状)与“The grass is always greener on the other side”。后一句指的是一种非常普遍的不正常心态,总觉得别人家的一切更好更诱人,由此产生嫉妒心理。

  选文作者认为,这些与人类社会同样历史悠久的心理状态与情感宣泄,在如今各种社交媒体扑面而来的时代,其影响层面与严重程度已变得前所未有。作者列举了诸多心理学家、心理治疗师、认知行为病理学家的观点,给我们提出的观点是,由嫉妒引发的心理和精神疾病已成为一个社会现象,亟待探索出妥善处理的有效途径。在作者看来,像Facebook、Twitter、Instagram(类似于国内的微信朋友圈)这些电子社交媒体是极大诱因,因为人们的攀比范围已由传统时代的家族与邻里之间扩大到全世界,由原先的熟人社区扩大到由绝大多数从未谋面的人组成的社会之间的比较,而他们总是把自己最美好的一面展现给大家。由于对攀比对象并不真正了解,人们往往为他人在社交媒体上发布的所谓完美形象所蒙蔽,以至于自惭形秽。作者指出,至少有两种办法可以缓解和避免由“比较”而产生的强烈并具破坏力的嫉妒心:一是更加主动地使用这些电子社交媒体,即自己也要常发布、评论,而非总是被动地、窥探性地浏览他人的好形象、好消息;二是要建立一种理性的人生哲学,也就是说,要让那些自信心比较低同时自尊心又特别强的人们想明白道理并接受“This is life!”。
如果你只有一个周末的时间去尼亚加拉地区,该怎么玩?听听本文的建议,大致了解该地区都有什么好玩的,你一定会觉得此行终生难忘!无论你是与家人、朋友或是爱侣同行,尼亚加拉瀑布地区都能为你提供丰富多彩、老少皆宜的游玩项目    第一天 白天    首日行程,搭乘尼亚加拉直升飞机飞越瀑布,体验惊险刺激,俯瞰瀑布美景。  直升飞机起飞后,沿河飞行,进入尼亚加拉瀑布主景区。漩涡高空缆车(Whirlpool Ae
连续6年业绩翻番的太子奶已经创造了一个商业奇迹,但掌门人李途纯再次立下豪言——“十年之后,1000亿的年销售额是太子奶集团一定要实现的目标。”    “送礼就送太子奶!”2008年春节期间,央视及各省级卫视播出了太子奶的最新形象广告。  继“脑白金”、恒源祥的生肖广告之后,太子奶似乎也参与到媒体广告轰炸的阵营之中。  其实,1998年,太子奶集团就曾经以8888万元的价格夺得中央电视台的广告标王,
从芬兰的赫尔辛基到意大利的那不勒斯,从英国的伦敦到西班牙的巴塞罗那,眼下圣诞节集市的热度节节攀升,人们从四面八方涌来,沐浴浓浓的乡土风情和节日气氛,重温昔日那些虽没有炫目的现代电子玩意儿却淳朴清新的老集市的味道    圣诞集市起源于北欧,在德国和中欧国家非常流行。过去,一年之中最重要的购物时节是11月11日的圣马丁节(Saint Martin’s)。在那一天,人们宰杀肥猪,畅饮当年新酿的葡萄酒和为
2014年4月16日,四川涼山西昌。王帅背着20多斤的装备爬悬崖时,脚下一滑,掉下了山崖。一瞬间,他抓住了这棵并不粗的树枝。消防战士在拯救森林的同时,往往也在被森林拯救。  “有时候,时间似乎可以抚平一切。”  2018年,重回都江堰,程雪力这样写道。上一次来到这里,是10年前参加汶川地震救援。那年他20岁,是一个扑火的兵,已在凉山做了大半年森林消防员。从震区回来,他用4个月津贴买了一台傻瓜相机。
商业伦理(Business Ethics),也称企业伦理(Enterprise Ethics),是关于企业及其成员行为的规范,以及关于怎样正确处理企业及其成员与利益相关者(包括企业主、员工、顾客、供应商、竞争者、政府、社区等)关系的规范。不仅企业,凡是与经营有关的组织都包含有伦理问题。只要由人组成的集合体在进行经营活动时,在本质上始终都存在着伦理问题。一个有道德的企业应当重视人性,不与社会发生冲突
京城白领丝绸消费调查结果  根据中国丝绸协会对部分企业的统计,去年1-10月份,163家丝类企业丝产量为20136吨,同比下降30.84%;38家织绸企业生产绸缎9719万米,同比增长14.68%。据初步估计,全年丝产量为12.06万吨,同比下降10%左右    据海关统计,2009年1-10月份真丝商品出口额达24.1亿美元,同比下降20.22%。丝绸产量的下降及出口额的减少,预示着丝绸内销市场
记者在位于北京东南四环的林达海渔广场等待片刻之后,李晓林如约而至,他刚刚参加完下午的分组讨论。李晓林告诉记者,今年他提了四个提案,其中两个涉及到房地产行业,另两个是关于公益事业的。其中关于房地产方面的提案分别为:建议将土地出让收入交由中央统一管理,以抑制地方政府的卖地冲动;以及建议适当放宽对于商业地产投资的限制。  “今年两会关于房地产市场的提案特别多,对相关话题的讨论也很激烈,出什么招的都有。代
“置身于一个商业的环境中,感受到自己是个商人。”于仁国回忆在IE的生活时感慨说,在那里,大家谈论的是国际形势,经济发展等;而在清华,觉得自己只是个学生,“今天吃什么,学校怎么样”,是大家关注的话题    在西班牙马德里金融区的中心,人们会看到一所别具一格的大学——IE商学院(Instituto de Empresa)。这是欧洲著名的商学院之一,以培养具有创新精神且具备全球化视野的企业家为目标。看看
今年两会开幕的前夕,刘永好像往年一样召集媒体座谈。距开会还有半小时,北京贡院9号的会客厅内就已坐满了各家媒体的记者,工作人员不时搬来椅子。下午4点,刘永好准时现身,媒體立即一片骚动。  与往年不同,今年刘永好不再是一人出面,他身边多了央视主持人芮成钢。刘永好则依旧是一身黑色西装搭配敞口的白色衬衫,面带微笑。善做类比,不屑套话,痛快利落是刘永好的谈话风格。  此次刘带来了六个提案,其中四个是关于三农
My first memory about the starry sky was inextricably1 accompanied by the warm summer breeze. In the yard I was lying on the rocking chair cooled by my grandpa’s waving palm-leaf fan, which lulled me