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   Yunhe’s enchanting and mesmerizing landscape is not its only attraction. Its abundant agricultural produce enables the area to develop a rich culinary tradition, epitomized by the signature “Twelve Dishes of Yunhe”.
   More than just taste, the “Twelve Dishes of Yunhe” offer a unique window through which to discover the local geography, culture and history.
  Xiangong Lake Organic Fish
   Silver carp, grass carp, herring, bream, catfish, freshwater bass, yellow tail fish…formed after the Jinshuitan Dam was built, Xiangong Lake is home to more than 100 native fishes, and the second organic fish breeding base certified by China Organic Food Certification Center.
   The environment in and around the lake is well-protected, and the water quality is so high that the lake’s organic fish are said to “have grown up drinking mineral water”. Xiangong Fish Head, cooked with the spotted silver carp head, is one of the best-known fish dishes in Yunhe, which is a must-eat for travelers.
  Fried Duck Eggs with Pickled Radish
   During the Ming (1368-1644) time, there once lived a poor lad in Shizhai village. When having meals, he would always put in his bowl an “empty” duck egg shell, in which he stuffed pickled radish. One day, a matchmaker dropped by, trying to introduce a young lady to the poor lad. They had a very pleasant talk, but when lunchtime came, he suddenly realized he had almost nothing to prepare for the guests. He went to the neighbors and at length borrowed two duck eggs, planning to boil them. But he broke the eggs! “Why not fry them then?” he thought. He took out strips of dark pickled radish from the “empty” shell, chopped and then fried the eggs with them, hoping it could pass muster. To his surprise, the lady not only liked it; she loved it! Then, another idea dawned on him. Seeing the resemblance between his dark pickled radish and the much-valued ginseng, he gave the newly invented food a much more glamorous name—“Fried Duck Eggs with Black Ginseng”, which later  became a popular local dish.   乡村土猪脚
  Braised Pig Trotters
   In the olden days, there once lived a beautiful and hardworking girl in Dayuan village of Jinshuitan township, who had grown crops all around her house. But much to her annoyance, a wild boar often snuck around, foraging for food and causing a lot of damage. One day, a young hunter from the neighboring village volunteered to deal with the beast. He waited for three days and three nights before eventually killing it, and then presented its body to the girl. A certain matchmaker heard about the story and happily lent a hand. To thank the matchmaker, the hunter and the girl, who had by then married, gifted her with a big trotter from the boar, cooked the remainder and shared the meat with fellow villagers. Since then, it has become a custom to “send the matchmakers pig trotters”. And whichever household kills a pig will invite friends and fellow villagers to enjoy the meat, called “San Zhu Fu” or spreading happiness through pork.
  Stewed Mudfish with Distillers’Grains and Cucumber
   For a long time, Yunhe people have been brewing their own yellow rice wine. The distillers’grains from the wine are rich in amino acids, vitamins, proteins, and fats. On the other hand, cucumber, according to the Compendium of Materia Medica,can clear internal heat and quench thirst, and have various other medicinal values. Combine the above two ingredients with mudfish, and stew them slowly until they are ready, you get the unique dish. Indeed, during the stewing process, the distillers’ grains can help remove the fishy smell from the mudfish, and the cucumber, seeped with the mudfish juice, is particularly munchy.
  Tingzhou “White Jade” Bamboo Shoots
   汀州人居住在紧水滩库区大源、赤石、库北及朱村一带,盛产竹笋,而雷笋色白如雪、松脆爽口、营养丰富,汀州人视其为山珍美味,封其“白玉笋”雅号。“白玉笋”是待客上品,若是在产笋期,主人会以鲜美的“白玉笋”招待客人。因鲜笋不易保存,汀州人便把吃不完的鲜笋制作成笋衣、笋干,“笋衣扑蛋”就是汀州人的一道美食。    At the end of Ming and the start of Qing (1616-1911), when dynastic change caused much turmoil, local population drastically decreased in Yunhe. Later, with the support of the local government, many people from Tingzhou (parts of present-day Sanming city and Longyan city in Fujian), relocated to Jinshuitan area in Yunhe.
   To the delight of those Tingzhou people, there was an abundance of bamboos in the area. They loved eating the pearly bamboo shoots so much that they dubbed them “white jade”. To better savor the “white jade”, Tingzhou people would usually chop the shoots and dry them as strips or peel the shoots into thin layers and dry them, the latter of which would often be cooked together with scrambled eggs.
  Yunhe Black Fungus
   In early 2000s, a local mushroom farmer by the name of Zheng Yunlong successfully developed a novel way of growing black fungus. Instead of basswood, Zheng, after many trials and tribulations, would cultivate the mushroom by using scrap wood left over from making wooden toys. The method proved to be not only equally effective, if not more, but more environmentally friendly and cost effective. Yunhe black fungus is now well known for its good taste and high nutritious values, and the new cultivation technique is also benefiting mushroom farmers all over China, thanks to the help of thousands of “Yunhe Masters”.
  Chilled Yunhe Snow Pear
   Long long ago, there once lived a kind-hearted granny at the foot of the Phoenix Mountain in Yunhe. One winter, she chanced upon an old beggar who was almost freezing to death. The granny brought him home immediately and then cooked sweet potato soup for him every day. Overtime, the old beggar recovered. To show his gratitude, he gave the granny a tree. With just one click of his fingers, branches suddenly grew and leaves sprouted out, fruit as big as a bowl already dangling all over the tree. Called “Fruit of the Immortal”, it was not only sweet in taste and tender in flesh;it could also cure diseases. By now, you may have already guessed: this magic fruit is in fact the famed Yunhe snow pear.   风肉炒蒲瓜干
  Air-dried Salty Meat Stir-fried with Dried Calabash Strips
   Calabash, or gourd, is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables in the rural area, which is believed to have a number of therapeutic values. Yunhe people would often peel the gourd and slice it into thin pieces before sun-dry or air-dry them. They then stir-fry the dried pieces with air-dried salty meat, making it another signature dish in the local cuisine.
  Meat Pot with Salted Tofu
   Close to the Oujiang River, Chishi area is often quite damp and cold during autumn and winter, and people here have long had a habit of enjoying their meals by the fireside. One of the main courses is the meat pot with salted tofu. Usually placed on top of a charcoal stove, the pot is stuffed with salted tofu, pork and condiments, as well as water. When the water boils, the delectables from the pot would make anyone salivate.
  Braised Chicken with Wax-leaved Climber
   Wax-leaved climbers are believed to have a variety of medicinal values. That’s why when cooking chicken, people in Yunhe always prefer to put a handful of the plant into the braising pot, and then let it simmer for some time before the meat is tender enough and ready.
  Yunhe River Snail
   During the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), a young and loving couple once lived in Shipu village. One day, not long after their marriage, the husband had to deliver a batch of ceramics to Wenzhou. Half a month later, when he came back, the anxious wife had long waited at the pier. As the saying goes, “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, and the couple happily made their way home.“Oh my!” the wife suddenly exclaimed, “I forgot I was cooking and the wok is still on the stove.” It turned out she had gone to the Oujiang River earlier that day and caught a basin of river snails; she put a spoonful of tea seed oil, fried the river snails with Sichuan pepper and then poured some water into the wok, preparing to feast her husband.    Expecting burned meat all over the place, they were overjoyed to smell a special aroma. While the water just dried up, each river snail was covered with salt frost, the meat very crisp and delicious! They even named it the “Waiting-for-Husband River Snail”, and this is how the dish—river snail with salt and pepper—came about.
  Ramie Leaf Rice Cake
   Fresh ramie leaves are harvested beginning from early spring every year, which are then cleaned and ground together with gluttonous rice, before being kneaded into dough balls of lush green and steamed. Other ways of preparing ramie leaf rice cakes include deep-frying the dough after rolling the balls into thin layers and stuffing the cake like dumplings. Now making the rice cakes has become a popular way for tourists to experience authentic local customs.
君子最早见于我国古老经典,后经孔子改造与设计、孔子后学的充实而成为象征仁礼兼备、修己安人、“慎独”而“中庸”、厚德载物的理想人格,深刻塑造了中华民族的精神。南宋以后,孔氏后人南迁入衢,形成了以衢州孔氏家庙为物化象征、以儒家思想为核心的孔氏南宗文化,君子思想由此在三衢大地生根发芽,为当地礼仪人文教化作出了不可磨灭的贡献,推进了衢州的“人文有礼”,是今天“衢州有礼”的思想活水。  衢州君子之风渐成  
浙江工商大學(杭州)法语联盟(以下简称“杭州法盟)由巴黎法语联盟基金会与浙江工商大学合作创立于2008年,是浙江省内唯一的法国文化中心。每个月,法语联盟都为在杭州喜欢法语和法国文化的朋友带来精彩纷呈的文化活动:音乐会、主题讲座、见面会、儿童工坊等等。每场活动都为中法双语,没有语言界限。   让我们通过几个文化项目,看看发生在杭州的中法文化交流故事吧:  多拉一家:分享快乐之旅   爸爸Eric L
编者按:《此生只为守敦煌:常书鸿传》是作家叶文玲创作的传记,2020年6月由浙江人民出版社出版。作者在书中用大量的采访资料和个体经验,以章回体结构将常书鸿不平凡的人生经历娓娓道来,同时在传记体的报告文学中加入了很多具有现场还原感的历史情景描写,读来亲切生动。2021年1月,该书获得《中国新闻出版广电报》2020年度好书荣誉。   为了把常书鸿的事迹、精神传达给更多人,叶文玲历时多年,精心创作了《此
钱塘江是杭州的母亲河,是杭州城市发展的重要轴带,钱塘江展现吴越山水的独特魅力,形成一条独具韵味的文化之路。一直以来,钱塘江是文人墨客的钟情之地,留下了无数脍炙人口的诗文华章。传统文化是一座城市的灵魂,也是社会经济高速发展的“加速器”和“助推器”   钱塘江唐诗之路是一条充满诗情画意的水上画廊,历来被称为“锦峰绣岭,山水之乡”。唐代,浙西山水成为唐朝100多名诗人“壮游吴越”的必经之地,留下了500
日前,记者从浙江省商务厅获悉,2020年浙江省文化服务贸易进出口141.57亿元,同比增长14.45%,其中,出口131.62亿元,同比增长26.91%,影视动漫、数字文化、创意设计已成为浙江文化贸易主要出口领域。  According to the provincial Department of Commerce, Zhejiang’s trade in cultural services f
观古今,人事即世事。要讲述中华数千年的文明故事,终有一人绕不过去——孔子。数千年来,他穷其一生创立与弘扬的儒学,至今仍是中华传统文化的璀璨明珠。   寻踪溯源孔家血脉,也终有一地绕不过去——衢州。   自唐朝以来,全国郡县皆设孔庙,祭祀读书人的祖师爷孔夫子。清朝末年,全国有大小孔庙或文庙6000多座。而孔子家庙“普天下唯二焉”,其一在山东曲阜,其二便在浙江衢州。   孔子是山东人,家庙为什么会在衢