方志敏是伟大的无产阶级革命家、军事家,杰出的农民运动领袖,也是闽浙赣革命根据地的创建人。他的一生,是为民族的解放、人民的幸福,为共产主义事业英勇奋斗的一生。在生命的最后关头,面对死亡的威胁,方志敏写下了《可爱的中国》、《清贫》、《狱中的生活》等文章。在那字里行间你可以得到一种荡涤灵魂的精神感染,得到一种震撼心魄的正气支撑。而这种崇高精神和浩然正气,又是我们今天在物质生活条件有很大改善与发展市场经济的社会环境下多么需要的啊!可以说方志敏精神是中华民族精神的精髓,它将激励着一代又一代中华儿女为人类美好的事业而不懈地奋斗。 解放思想,实事求是,开拓创新,是方志敏精神的一个突出特征。1927年大革命失败后,他从
Fang Zhimin is a great proletarian revolutionary and military strategist, an outstanding peasant movement leader, and is also the founder of the revolutionary bases of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. His whole life is a life of heroic struggle for the liberation of the nation, the happiness of the people and for the cause of communism. At the last minute of his life, facing the threat of death, Fang Zhimin wrote such articles as “Lovely China,” “Poverty Alleviation,” and “Life in Prison.” Between that line you can get a spiritual infection of soul cleaning, get a heart-stirring righteousness support. And this lofty spirit and awe-inspiring righteousness are what we need today in a social environment in which material conditions are greatly improved and a market economy developed! It is fair to say that Fang Chi-min’s spirit is the essence of the Chinese national spirit and will inspire Generation after generation of Chinese sons and daughters make unremitting efforts for the good cause of mankind. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, pioneering and innovative, is a prominent feature of Fang Zhimin’s spirit. After the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927 he followed