Some show business folk claim to be born in a trunk. Sofia Coppola was 1)baptized on a movie set: she is the infant christened in the 2)penultimate sequence of The Godfather (1972), directed by her father Francis Ford Coppola. Over the past 14 years, she has delivered two daughters of her own, as well as five feature films that have won acclaim; including a DGA and Oscar nomination for directing Lost in Translation; for her 3)nuanced portraits of teenagers and young adults losing and finding themselves.
Coppola’s academic training is in photography. It took roughly a decade for her to evolve organically from still pictures to moving ones. Her latest film, The Bling Ring, follows the 4)nocturnal adventures of starstruck L.A. teens that steal into the homes, and closets, of celebs such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Based on “The Suspects Wore 5)Louboutins,” an improbable-but-true tale published in Vanity Fair, it looks 6)askance at these fashion felons who walk, quite literally, in the (stolen) shoes of their style idols.
“I thought it was such an interesting story and the quotes from the real kids really made an impression,” Coppola says, reflecting on her reaction to the story. “I thought the story said so much about our culture today and how it can affect young people.”
Mastering the small canvas rather than the big screen was Coppola’s original goal. As a teenager she set her sights on becoming an artist. In the 1990s, she enrolled at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). “I wanted to be a painter,” she recalls over tea at a West Village cafe near her Manhattan 7)digs.“They told me I wasn’t.”When she transferred to the Art Center College of Design, her photography instructor, Paul Jasmin, was more encouraging. “He told me my point of view was worth exploring.” 8)In any event, by the time Coppola enrolled at the Art Center she had already earned a doctoral 9)equivalency. “I didn’t realize it at the time,”reflects the filmmaker, 42, poised and watchful. When it comes to the language of film, Coppola says, she was home schooled.
“Dad always included us,” she said, referring to herself and brother Roman, also a director. “We were always talking about and looking at film. I didn’t even realize I was learning.” Although 10)oblivious to much of her cinematic home schooling while it was happening, Coppola now acknowledges how decisively it has influenced her choices in preproduction, on set, and in post.
Still, there are significant stylistic differences between father and daughter. Where the elder Coppola is attracted to larger-than-life characters, employing tracking shots for epic scope and sweep, the younger works on a more intimate scale. Her 11)mantra is “less formality.” From Coppola’s preference for a handheld camera that gets into her subject’s personal space to her 12)painstaking use of 13)ambient sounds to create a you-are-there experience, “it’s about getting close and closer to the character.”
To create her signature shot, shadowing a character from behind, she likes to use a handheld camera or a dolly shot. Whether her camera stalks Scarlett Johansson exploring a Buddhist temple in Kyoto in Lost in Translation (2003) or Kirsten Dunst entering Versailles in Marie Antoinette(2006) or Emma Watson, teenage celebrity stalker in The Bling Ring, Coppola gentles you into their drifts and their dreams.
Coppola says she casts less for looks than for 14)simpatico. “I feel like there has to be a connection, you have to find the same things funny. That way, you’re on the same channel and you’ll be able to communicate more effectively.”
当然,父女之间还是有着明显的风格差异。老科波拉对传奇人物形象情有独钟,喜欢用长镜头打造恢宏影像,小科波拉则喜欢着眼细处。她的行事原则是“少一点形式主义”。从科波拉对手持摄像机的偏爱——这样可以进入人物的内心世界,到其小心谨慎采用环境声效来营造一种“你在现场”的体验,“这都是为了更加进一步接近人物的内心。” 为了打造她的标志性镜头,从背后追随角色,她喜欢采用手持摄像机或是移动式摄影车。无论是在2003年的《迷失东京》中她的镜头追随着斯嘉丽·约翰逊探索京都佛寺,还是在2006年《绝代艳后》中克尔斯顿·邓斯特进入凡尔赛宫,又或是艾玛·沃特森这个《珠光宝气》里面的追星族,科波拉都循循诱导你进入人物内心,感受她们的际遇以及梦想。
From the start, all of Coppola’s films have been image rather than dialogue intensive. “I don’t want my movies to feel like movies,”she says. “I want them to feel like life.” If there’s less smart talk than small talk in her films, it’s because she believes that’s how life is. “People don’t really express themselves that articulately in real life.” And to get more of that in the moment feel, she encourages 15)improvisation from her actors.
“Remember Scarlett perched in the 16)window ledge in Lost in Translation, looking out over Tokyo?” she asks. “You project your feelings on her. That’s what I’m going for. I want the visual ways to tell the story rather than have the characters talk.”What’s unsaid speaks volumes.
From her father, Coppola learned that “a movie is never as bad as the first rough cut.”Still, the rough of The Virgin Suicides crushed her. Fortunately, she had sound designer Beggs on board as well as Reitzell, onetime drummer of Redd Kross. “You find the rhythm in the edit.” For her, the film’s pace is almost always guided by the movement inside the frame and by the tempo of the soundtrack, which in The Bling Ring is louder, and in Coppola’s description, “more 17)obnoxious”than the dreamy music in most of her films.
Like her father, Coppola plays music on the set, frequently the same cuts she listened to while writing the screenplay. She thinks it helps establish mood. She favors actual locations over shooting studio sets because a location; Tokyo in Lost in Translation, Versailles in Marie Antoinette, Hollywood and Milan in Somewhere, Los Angeles in The Bling Ring; has an energy and authenticity that can’t be replicated in a studio. “I like a small crew,” she says. “I like to keep it as lean and simple as possible.” Coppola made The Bling Ring on a still-modest$20 million budget. Lost in Translation, her biggest hit to date, cost only $4 million to make (and grossed $120 million worldwide). Except for Marie Antoinette, which had a $40 million budget and an 18)arduous 12 week shoot mostly in France, Coppola prefers to keep things smaller and more intimate.
Having completed her fifth feature, Coppola says she feels at home in what she perceives as her 19)niche; character-driven films mapping the moves of people lost in transition. “I don’t make the kind of movies that lend themselves to wide releases,” she concludes.
Some show business folk claim to be born in a trunk. Sofia Coppola was 1)baptized on a movie set: she is the infant christened in the 2)penultimate sequence of The Godfather (1972), directed by her father Francis Ford Coppola. Over the past 14 years, she has delivered two daughters of her own, as well as five feature films that have won acclaim; including a DGA and Oscar nomination for directing Lost in Translation; for her 3)nuanced portraits of teenagers and young adults losing and finding themselves.
Coppola’s academic training is in photography. It took roughly a decade for her to evolve organically from still pictures to moving ones. Her latest film, The Bling Ring, follows the 4)nocturnal adventures of starstruck L.A. teens that steal into the homes, and closets, of celebs such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Based on “The Suspects Wore 5)Louboutins,” an improbable-but-true tale published in Vanity Fair, it looks 6)askance at these fashion felons who walk, quite literally, in the (stolen) shoes of their style idols.
“I thought it was such an interesting story and the quotes from the real kids really made an impression,” Coppola says, reflecting on her reaction to the story. “I thought the story said so much about our culture today and how it can affect young people.”
Mastering the small canvas rather than the big screen was Coppola’s original goal. As a teenager she set her sights on becoming an artist. In the 1990s, she enrolled at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). “I wanted to be a painter,” she recalls over tea at a West Village cafe near her Manhattan 7)digs.“They told me I wasn’t.”When she transferred to the Art Center College of Design, her photography instructor, Paul Jasmin, was more encouraging. “He told me my point of view was worth exploring.” 8)In any event, by the time Coppola enrolled at the Art Center she had already earned a doctoral 9)equivalency. “I didn’t realize it at the time,”reflects the filmmaker, 42, poised and watchful. When it comes to the language of film, Coppola says, she was home schooled.
“Dad always included us,” she said, referring to herself and brother Roman, also a director. “We were always talking about and looking at film. I didn’t even realize I was learning.” Although 10)oblivious to much of her cinematic home schooling while it was happening, Coppola now acknowledges how decisively it has influenced her choices in preproduction, on set, and in post.
Still, there are significant stylistic differences between father and daughter. Where the elder Coppola is attracted to larger-than-life characters, employing tracking shots for epic scope and sweep, the younger works on a more intimate scale. Her 11)mantra is “less formality.” From Coppola’s preference for a handheld camera that gets into her subject’s personal space to her 12)painstaking use of 13)ambient sounds to create a you-are-there experience, “it’s about getting close and closer to the character.”
To create her signature shot, shadowing a character from behind, she likes to use a handheld camera or a dolly shot. Whether her camera stalks Scarlett Johansson exploring a Buddhist temple in Kyoto in Lost in Translation (2003) or Kirsten Dunst entering Versailles in Marie Antoinette(2006) or Emma Watson, teenage celebrity stalker in The Bling Ring, Coppola gentles you into their drifts and their dreams.
Coppola says she casts less for looks than for 14)simpatico. “I feel like there has to be a connection, you have to find the same things funny. That way, you’re on the same channel and you’ll be able to communicate more effectively.”
当然,父女之间还是有着明显的风格差异。老科波拉对传奇人物形象情有独钟,喜欢用长镜头打造恢宏影像,小科波拉则喜欢着眼细处。她的行事原则是“少一点形式主义”。从科波拉对手持摄像机的偏爱——这样可以进入人物的内心世界,到其小心谨慎采用环境声效来营造一种“你在现场”的体验,“这都是为了更加进一步接近人物的内心。” 为了打造她的标志性镜头,从背后追随角色,她喜欢采用手持摄像机或是移动式摄影车。无论是在2003年的《迷失东京》中她的镜头追随着斯嘉丽·约翰逊探索京都佛寺,还是在2006年《绝代艳后》中克尔斯顿·邓斯特进入凡尔赛宫,又或是艾玛·沃特森这个《珠光宝气》里面的追星族,科波拉都循循诱导你进入人物内心,感受她们的际遇以及梦想。
From the start, all of Coppola’s films have been image rather than dialogue intensive. “I don’t want my movies to feel like movies,”she says. “I want them to feel like life.” If there’s less smart talk than small talk in her films, it’s because she believes that’s how life is. “People don’t really express themselves that articulately in real life.” And to get more of that in the moment feel, she encourages 15)improvisation from her actors.
“Remember Scarlett perched in the 16)window ledge in Lost in Translation, looking out over Tokyo?” she asks. “You project your feelings on her. That’s what I’m going for. I want the visual ways to tell the story rather than have the characters talk.”What’s unsaid speaks volumes.
From her father, Coppola learned that “a movie is never as bad as the first rough cut.”Still, the rough of The Virgin Suicides crushed her. Fortunately, she had sound designer Beggs on board as well as Reitzell, onetime drummer of Redd Kross. “You find the rhythm in the edit.” For her, the film’s pace is almost always guided by the movement inside the frame and by the tempo of the soundtrack, which in The Bling Ring is louder, and in Coppola’s description, “more 17)obnoxious”than the dreamy music in most of her films.
Like her father, Coppola plays music on the set, frequently the same cuts she listened to while writing the screenplay. She thinks it helps establish mood. She favors actual locations over shooting studio sets because a location; Tokyo in Lost in Translation, Versailles in Marie Antoinette, Hollywood and Milan in Somewhere, Los Angeles in The Bling Ring; has an energy and authenticity that can’t be replicated in a studio. “I like a small crew,” she says. “I like to keep it as lean and simple as possible.” Coppola made The Bling Ring on a still-modest$20 million budget. Lost in Translation, her biggest hit to date, cost only $4 million to make (and grossed $120 million worldwide). Except for Marie Antoinette, which had a $40 million budget and an 18)arduous 12 week shoot mostly in France, Coppola prefers to keep things smaller and more intimate.
Having completed her fifth feature, Coppola says she feels at home in what she perceives as her 19)niche; character-driven films mapping the moves of people lost in transition. “I don’t make the kind of movies that lend themselves to wide releases,” she concludes.