目的 :介绍美国汽巴—康宁 6 44型钠钾氯分析仪常见故障的原因及维修方法。方法 :从吸样故障、定标故障、测定故障、试剂质量故障 4个方面对故障的表现 ,故障的原因、维修的方法作了说明。结果 :用修复后的仪器测定高、中、低 Na+ 、K+ 、Cl-标准液或血清样本 ,其结果的准确性、重复性、线性均很满意。结论 :能简易、快速、廉价地修复美国汽巴 -康宁 6 44型钠钾氯分析仪 ,有较好的社会和经济效益
Purpose : To introduce the causes and maintenance methods of the common faults of the American Ciba-Corning Type 6 44 sodium potassium chloride analyzer. Methods: The performance of the fault, the cause of the fault, and the method of maintenance were explained from four aspects: sampling failure, calibration failure, measurement failure, and reagent quality failure. RESULTS: The high, medium, and low Na+, K+, Cl-standard or serum samples were measured with the instrument after repair. The accuracy, reproducibility, and linearity of the results were satisfactory. Conclusion : It is easy, fast and cheap to repair American Ciba-Corning Type 6 44 sodium potassium chloride analyzer with good social and economic benefits.