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为了解与莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila繁殖密切相关的结构与行为特性,结合显微解剖和室内观察,对该跳甲雌雄成虫的生殖系统构造、雌成虫卵巢发育进度以及繁殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:莲草直胸跳甲雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊及其附腺,左右卵巢一般不对称,单侧有12~16根卵巢管,受精囊豆芽状,卵巢管为端滋式;雄性生殖系统由睾丸、侧输精管及附腺、射精管和阳茎及附属器官组成,阳基叉式。根据相关形态特征,卵巢发育进度可分为发育初期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)5个级别,各等级在卵巢分区长度(原卵区、生长区和成熟区)及怀卵量上存在显著差异。成虫羽化2d后即可进行交配,16:00-18:00时为交配高峰期,雌成虫产卵高峰期12:00-16:00时,且偏好在寄主植株中部偏上叶片背部产卵;22~32℃时,雌性成虫的寿命和产卵总量随温度的上升而逐渐下降,25~30℃间差异不显著,但32℃时产卵前期延长至7.2d,寿命和产卵量显著下降,表明32℃不利于莲草直胸跳甲繁殖。因此,推测32℃及以上持续高温造成的子代卵量急剧减少,可能是该跳甲夏季田间种群数量下降的原因之一。 In order to understand the structural and behavioral characteristics closely related to the reproduction of Agasicles hygrophila, the reproductive system of adult and male adults of ovipositive beetles were studied with microdissection and laboratory observations. . The results showed that the female reproductive system of the straight thorax Abrus mollis was ovary, lateral tubal, mid-fallopian tube, seminal vesicle and its accessory gland. The left and right ovaries were generally asymmetric. There were 12 to 16 ovarian tubes on one side, Tube for the end of Zi; male reproductive system by the testis, lateral seminiferous duct and accessory gland, ejaculatory duct and the posterior stem and subsidiary organs, Yang fork. According to the relevant morphological characteristics, the progress of ovarian development can be divided into the early stages of development (grade Ⅰ), pre-deposition of yolk (Ⅱ grade), maturity (Ⅲ grade) There are significant differences in the ovarian partition length (original egg area, growth area and mature area) and the amount of egg in every level. The adults can be mated 2 days after eclosion, the mating peak is from 16: 00-18: 00, and the spawning peak of females is 12: 00-16: 00. At 22 ~ 32 ℃, the fecundity and oviposition of female adults decreased gradually with the increase of temperature, but the difference was not significant at 25 ~ 30 ℃, but the pre-oviposition period was prolonged to 7.2d at 32 ℃, Decline, indicating that 32 ℃ is not conducive to the straight grasshopper Atractylodes breeding. Therefore, it is presumed that the rapid decrease of the number of ovaries caused by the sustained high temperature of 32 ℃ and above may be one of the reasons for the decrease of summer population of the hopper.
【摘要】代数是初中数学的重要组成部分,因此,教师在教授代数的时候,就需要利用一些教学手段提高学生对于代数的认知能力,让学生对代数关键性知识进行全面的了解以及掌握,因此,本文主要针对于初中代数关键知识的认知及其对策进行了分析与研究,希望通过本文的探讨,能够进一步提高学生对代数关键知识的认知水平。  【关键词】初中代数关键知识对策  一、问题的提出  在初中代数教学中,一般都会认为学生的成绩好就完成了
高中数学是高中教学中较为重要的一科,也是难度较大的一门学科,高中数学教学的拓展就是对数学教学的探索和创新,要想拓展在教学中有效的开展,就要找对方向,找对拓展的关键因素,通过关键因素进行分析、探索和实施。在具体教学中,很多教师对数学课堂拓展的内涵存在一定的误解,从而陷入拓展的误区。本文结合自己的教学实践和实验,探讨高中数学课堂教学的有效拓展途径.  一 高中数学课堂教学拓展存在的误区  1.过分注重
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