现代制铁和原现代海斯克钢铁公司是现代汽车集团旗下的两家大型钢铁企业。现代制铁是一家具备炼铁-炼钢-热轧工序的长流程钢铁企业,2013年底粗钢产能2400万吨。现代海斯克钢铁公司是现代汽车集团的子公司之一,是韩国境内仅次于浦项制铁第二大冷轧汽车用钢生产企业,其主打产品为冷轧汽车板、轻量化汽车零部件和高附加值的钢管。现代海斯克前身是成立于1975年3月18日的京一工业株式会社(Kyung—il Industrial Co.,Ltd.),1979年竣工钢管工厂,1980年将公司名改为现代钢管,
Hyundai Steel and Hyundai Hydek Steel are two of the largest steel companies under Hyundai Motor Group. Hyundai Steel is a long-run steelmaker with an iron-steel-hot-rolling operation. At the end of 2013, it produced 24 million tons of crude steel. Hyundai Hysk Steel is one of the subsidiaries of Hyundai Motor Group. It is the second largest cold-rolled automotive steel producer in Korea after Posco. Its flagship product is cold-rolled automotive sheet, lightweight auto parts And high value-added steel. Hyundai Hykske, formerly known as Kyung-il Industrial Co., Ltd., was established on March 18, 1975, completed its steel pipe plant in 1979, changed its name to modern steel pipe in 1980,