【摘 要】
【机 构】
上海市教育局教学研究室 200041
In order to improve the quality of biology education in middle schools, Shanghai Municipality conducted the teaching reform with Shanghai characteristics according to the spirit of “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Education System Reform” and from the reality of Shanghai’s biology teaching. To reform first of all to understand the current status quo, biology teaching, like other disciplines, there are several problems: First, to further their studies as the center, from primary to university all for the entrance examination services; second is the textbook system theory light application, The third is intellectual education first, test what decided to teach what affect the overall development of students; Fourth, although the usual emphasis on experimental teaching, but the quality is not high, and the theoretical knowledge of the deep partial difficulties, the knowledge of partial
The characteristic of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency-bands range from 1 Hz to 20 Hz was estimated by using the local earthquake′s
[摘要]根据新《语文课程标准》对作文教学的要求,并运用陶行知的教育思想构建新型的作文开放式教学体系,以提高作文教学的效率,培养学生的写作能力,树立正确“荣辱观”、人生观和价值观。本文主要从:一是弘扬人文精神回归生活作文:二是创设民主、和谐的学习环境构建作文开放式教学体系;三是善待学生,追求完美是新世纪教师的好形象进行浅谈。 [关键词]作文 教学 回归 生活 培养 能力 [中图分类号]G427
Since 2001, the French and Chinese researchers have done a cooperative research on the comparison of integrated development of large river basins. The Yangtze R
安捷伦科技公司近期推出一款用于分离单克隆抗体的AdvanceB io RP-mA b反相色谱柱,可适用于生物研究和药物开发工作。AdvanceB io RP-mA b色谱柱采用安捷伦Poroshell技术,使
3月16日 晴 那天,我和爸爸来到了宁夏的腾格里沙漠。沙漠好大呀!一眼望不到边,一个连着一个的沙丘矗立在金色的黄沙之中,好似沙海掀起的层层波浪。我兴高采烈地冲向一个小沙丘,想爬上这座小沙丘去看看。可是,沙子实在是太松太软了,刚刚踩上去还没等踩第二脚,就滑落下来了,再试试,还在原地。一座小小的沙丘能难倒我?我退后几步,卯足了力气,又一次向沙丘冲去,尽管我手脚并用,折腾了好一会,可沙子好像故意刁难我
Students, we have already
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