
来源 :工业技术经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzyzyzy
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工业用地是地区经济发展的重要载体,提高工业用地集约利用水平是缓解工业用地供需矛盾,保障工业经济发展的有效途径。基于此,本研究深入至微观企业层面,分轻、重工业比较分析工业企业集约用地的影响因素,利用统计性分析和计量方法,系统研究了1999~2009年我国5个代表性省份工业用地集约利用情况与影响因素差异,检验了企业属性、投入因素、社会经济因素和区位因素对工业企业土地利用集约度的影响。研究结果表明:轻、重工业内部均存在企业用地多寡不均现象,且重工业企业土地利用集约度明显高于轻工业企业;影响轻、重工业企业土地利用集约度的因素存在显著差别,其中,劳动、土地价格因素、人均GDP和内陆港口城市属性对轻工业企业土地利用集约度存在显著影响,而研发、补贴因素、城市规模、与最大港口距离、和企业规模因素则相对更为显著的制约重工业企业集约用地。 Industrial land is an important carrier of regional economic development. Improving the intensive utilization of industrial land is an effective way to ease the contradiction between supply and demand of industrial land and ensure the development of industrial economy. Based on this, this study goes deep into the micro-enterprise level and analyzes the influencing factors of intensive land use by industrial enterprises in light and heavy industries. By using statistical analysis and measurement methods, this paper systematically studies the intensive use of industrial land in five representative provinces in China from 1999 to 2009 The difference between the situation and the influencing factors, and examines the impact of the enterprise attributes, input factors, socio-economic factors and location factors on the intensity of land-use intensiveness of industrial enterprises. The results show that there are many kinds of uneven land use in both light and heavy industries, and the intensity of land use in heavy industrial enterprises is obviously higher than that in light industrial ones. There are significant differences in the factors influencing the intensity of land use in light and heavy industrial enterprises, among which labor, land The price factor, per capita GDP and inland port city attributes have a significant impact on the intensity of land use intensity in light industrial enterprises, while the R & D, subsidy factors, urban size, distance to the largest port, and firm size factor are more significant constraints to heavy industrial enterprises Land.
背景:肝豆状核变性(Wilson’s disease)是一种常染色体隐性遗传疾病,发病机制主要是ATP7B蛋白合成受阻导致胆汁排铜障碍,铜在体内逐渐累积导致肝脏肝细胞和/或脑神经细胞损伤,目前的治疗方案主要是通过低铜饮食减少铜的摄入及螯合剂排出体内累积的铜,通常可以达到良好的治疗效果。但一部分患者在应用螯合剂后出现症状恶化,这种恶化主要表现在以脑损害(尤其是肌张力障碍型)为主要表现的初始治疗的WD
在 X线胸片上呈现弥漫性病变阴影的疾病,在临床上并不罕见,其病因繁多,且彼此鲜见联系,如不作活检就不能确诊.现报告本院 2001年 11月收住的 1例病案,由此展现并探讨有关小儿