Utilitarian Ethics belongs to teleology Ethics, which prevailed in the late 18th century to early 19th century. However, in terms of its origin of thought, it can be traced back to the theory of happiness and happiness in ancient Greece. For a long time, people generally divided utilitarian ethics into classical and modern theoretical forms, which seems to be the more popular view in academia. However, one obvious flaw in this view is that it only admits that utilitarianism is a relatively recent form of happiness and happiness. If we admit that utilitarianism is a relatively recent form of the theory of happiness and happiness in the ancient Greek period, it would be tantamount to admitting that the utilitarian ethical thought evolved from the historical facts evolved from the ideas of happiness and happiness in ancient Greece . Therefore, no matter how utilitarianism itself changes its theoretical form, it is impossible to completely depart from the core concepts of happiness or happiness advocated by the theory of happiness and happiness. Therefore, it is very necessary to divide the whole functionism into three stages of development: pre-utilitarianism, classical utilitarianism and modern utilitarianism.