蜂王浆又称鲜王浆或蜂乳,是蜜蜂的上腭和舌腺分泌出来的一种浆状物质,呈乳白色或淡黄色,略带香甜味,略有酸涩、辛辣的滋味。它是3日~20日龄的幼蜂吞食大量花粉后分泌的。 蜂农提取蜂王浆后立即采用低温冷冻方式保存,无任何添加剂,从而保证了上百种活性成分不受破坏。蜂王浆的主要成分极为复杂和神奇。如矿物质的成分和含量几乎和人的血液相一致,它除含有多种氨基酸、维生素、微量元素、激素、酶类及多种生物性物质外,还含有一种不饱和脂肪酸叫10-羟基-2-烯酸,
Royal jelly, also known as fresh royal jelly or royal jelly, is a paste material that is secreted by the bees’ upper palate and tongue glands. It is milky white or light yellow, slightly sweet, slightly sour and spicy. It is 3 to 20 days old cubs swallowed large amounts of pollen secretion. Beekeepers immediately after the extraction of royal jelly using cryogenic preservation, without any additives, thus ensuring hundreds of active ingredients from damage. The main ingredient of royal jelly is extremely complicated and magical. Such as the composition and content of minerals and human blood almost consistent, in addition to it contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, hormones, enzymes and a variety of biological substances, but also contains an unsaturated fatty acid called 10-hydroxy 2-enoic acid,