人夏以来,长江及嫩江流域发生百年不遇的特大洪水,在党中央的英明领导下,千万军民奋起抗灾,现在已经到了决战决胜的关键时刻。在抗洪救灾的日日夜夜里,广大解放军官兵、地方干部和群众,由于长期受洪水、淤泥浸泡,环境艰苦。卫生条件差,易发生各种癣病,本文就洪水灾区容易发生的癣病的防治作一阐述。 癣病,即为浅部真菌病,它是由皮肤癣菌、念球菌及其它真菌感染引起的疾病。在抗洪救灾中,广大军民在炎热的夏天穿胶鞋浸泡于水中,潮湿的衣服不能及时换洗,造成局
Since the summer of 1949, unprecedented floods have taken place in the Yangtze River and Nenjiang River basins. Under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee, thousands of military and civilian people have risen to the front and have now reached a crucial moment in the decisive battle. In the day and night of flood fighting and relief, the majority of the PLA’s officers and soldiers, local cadres and the masses are in a difficult environment due to their long exposure to flooding and silt. Health conditions are poor, prone to all kinds of ringworm disease, flood prevention and control of this disease prone to ringworm disease made an elaboration. Ringworm, is a superficial mycosis, which is caused by dermatophytes, cryptococcosis and other fungal infections. In flood fighting and relief, the majority of military and civilian wear soaked in water in the hot summer shoes, wet clothes can not be changed in time, resulting in Bureau