1.类似症状 在水温20℃~30℃时发生,主要危害草鱼。鱼体黑暗,离群独游,食欲减退,直至停食。剖检均见病鱼肠道呈红色,并具粘液。 2.鉴别与治疗 病毒性肠炎 症状:(1)活检时肠道严重充血或局部鲜红色,内脏点状出血。(2)兼有口腔、肌肉、鳃盖、鳍条充血。(3)肠壁弹性较好,肠腔内粘液较少,严重时肠腔内有大量红细胞及成片脱落的上皮细胞,肠粘膜一般不腐烂脱落。 治疗:(1)用生石灰200克/立方米或漂白粉20克/立方米消毒。(2)鱼种下塘前,用聚乙烯氮戊环酮碘剂60克/立方米药浴25分钟左右。(3)进行人工免疫预防,用0.5%疫
1. Similar symptoms occurred when the water temperature 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, the main harm grass carp. Dark fish, solitary excursions, loss of appetite, until stopped eating. Anatomy of the diseased fish showed intestinal red, and mucus. 2. Identification and treatment of viral enteritis symptoms: (1) biopsy severe congestion of the gut or local bright red, visceral punctate bleeding. (2) both oral, muscular, operculum, fin congestion. (3) better intestinal wall elasticity, less mucus in the intestine, severe intestine with a large number of erythrocytes and epithelial cells into pieces off, intestinal mucosa generally do not decay. Treatment: (1) with lime 200 g / cubic meter or bleach 20 g / cubic meter disinfection. (2) before the species of ponds, with polyethylene amylacetone iodine 60 g / cubic meter for about 25 minutes. (3) artificial immune prevention, with 0.5% of the epidemic