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2002年,我受组织安排来到云南工作,从此与这块红土高原结下不解之缘。随着时光流逝,我越发热爱并敬重这块神奇美丽的土地。“七彩云南”丰富了我的人生经历,也丰富了我的情感世界。在祖国西南这片祥云笼罩的土地上,山川美景、歌舞艺术令人目不暇接,历史掌故、高贤雅士不胜枚举。我情不自禁感慨,天地奇观自然美,多元文化竞芬芳,无论是未来的开发潜力还是固有的多元文化资源积淀,都堪称得天独厚、举世无双。对于欣赏美,创造美的作家艺术家,云南更是荡涤心灵、升华情操、获取灵感的一方净土,是养育作家艺术家成长的伟大摇篮。 In 2002, I was arranged by the organization to come to work in Yunnan, and from this red clay plateau forged a bond. As time goes on, I love and respect this magical and beautiful land more and more. “Colorful Yunnan ” enriched my life experience, but also enriched my emotional world. In this auspicious land shrouded in the southwest of the motherland, mountains and beautiful scenery, the art of song and dance are overwhelmed by dizzying past history. I can not help feeling that world wonders natural beauty, multi-cultural competing fragrance, whether it is the future development potential or the inherent accumulation of multi-cultural resources are unique and unique in the world. For writers and artists who enjoy beauty and create beauty, Yunnan is even more a pure land for cleaning up soul, subliming sentiment and gaining inspiration. It is also a great cradle to nurture the growth of writers and artists.
The historical period of the feudal separatist regimes of Tibet refers to the period of more than 400years from the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty to The histori
双生座壳孢(Aschersonia duplex Berk.)是刺绵蚧强有力的昆虫病原真菌。致死后的虫尸,长期留存枝叶上,是病原在野外的保存形式,并成为再次侵染源。病原借水传、虫传而散播。